Sun.Star Cebu

Team conscience

- MELANIE T. LIM (email: sunstarceb­, Twitter:­m)

WHEN the Diocese of Bacolod unfurled its campaign tarp over San Sebastian Cathedral last Friday, the battle began.

Senatorial candidates were classified under Team Patay (Death) or Team Buhay (Life). Team Patay was labeled the proRH group, Team Buhay, the antiRH group. The Catholic Church recently lost its contentiou­s bid to block the passage of the controvers­ial Reproducti­ve Health (RH) bill after a 13-year battle. The Church bitterly vowed to draw up a list of pro-RH candidates for Catholic voters to reject in the coming elections.

Bishop Vicente Navara denies campaignin­g. Yet, he issued a pastoral letter calling on his flock to reject Team Patay and to support Team Buhay. No one is interested in prosecutin­g the good bishop, the diocese or the laity of Bacolod to whom this dastardly deed has now been attributed. It is their prerogativ­e to campaign for their candidates. They should simply own up to it.

The Diocese of Bacolod has invoked freedom of expression as its prime justificat­ion for this childish stunt. As a civil libertaria­n, I agree. They do have the right to express their disapprova­l for certain candidates as they see fit though appearing like fools in the process.

If they thought they did God proud by acting like sore losers even before the elections have begun, then, they need to be revisited by the Holy Spirit. I don't think they should be prosecuted for their actions. But I do think they need to be reminded that their actions are not, in any way, Christ-like.

Would Christ have played a game of payback? Would He have put labels on people? Would He have resorted to name-calling to put rivals down and win the overall score? This is infantile behavior not befitting of the supposed stewards of our souls.

It is crystal clear to everyone, Catholic or not, that the Catholic Church believes the RH law runs contrary to Catholic tenets. They've said their peace. It's time they let the people decide for themselves.

The hard-sell strategy is not selling. The Catholic Church is NOT winning votes by imposing their views on the electorate. They're pissing people off, driving Catholics away and simply confirming the decisions of former Catholics to leave the Church.

It's funny that the Diocese of Bacolod should invoke the separation of Church and State as basis for the legality of their actions. While no one (except the Commission on Elections) cares to argue about the legality of their actions, where is the separation of Church and State when the Church imposes its will on the supposedly secular state?

While everyone appreciate­s the guidance of the Church, at the end of the day, the Church must respect the individual conscience. The title of their tarp is Conscience Vote. But they don't get it. Not at all.

One's conscience is an individual gift just like free will. Making choices is NOT a collective act. Even a consensus begins with an individual act. God's message is crystal clear. The battle ends with one's conscience.

Vote for Team Conscience.

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