Sun.Star Cebu

Chavez in extreme condition


CARACAS—President Hugo Chavez has been receiving chemothera­py since recovering from a severe respirator­y infection in mid-January and “continues his battle for life,” his vice president said late Friday.

Vice President Nicolas Maduro suggested the chemothera­py was continuing in the government’s first mention of it as among treatments that Venezuela’s cancer- stricken president has received since his Dec. 11 cancer surgery in Cuba.

Maduro made the disclosure after a Mass for Chavez in a new chapel outside the military hospital where authoritie­s say the socialist leader has been since being flown back to Caracas on Feb. 18.

The vice president quoted Chavez as saying he decided to return to Venezuela because he was entering “a new phase” of “more intense and tough” treatments and wanted to be in Caracas for them.

Maduro’s offering of the most detailed rundown to date of Chavez’s postoperat­ive struggle came hours after an accusation by opposition leader Henrique Capriles that the government has repeatedly lied about Chavez’s condition.

“We’ll see how they explain to the country in the (coming) days all the lies they’ve been telling about the president’s situation,” Capriles, whom Chavez defeated in Oct. 7 elections, said in a tweet.

Proof of life

Chavez has not been seen nor heard from since going to Cuba for his fourth cancer surgery, except for a set of “proof of life” photos released Feb. 15 while he was still in Havana.

Chavez first revealed an unspecifie­d cancer in the pelvic region in June 2011, and reported undergoing radiation treatment and chemothera­py after earlier operations.

The government has sent mixed signals on Chavez’s condition, although Maduro has said several times that Chavez was battling for his life. He repeated that Friday, and also accused opponents of spreading rumors about Chavez’s health to destabiliz­e the nation.


Maduro, Chavez’s chosen successor, said his boss’ condition was extremely delicate over New Year’s as he battled a respirator­y infection that required a tracheal tube.

“In mid-January he was improving, the infection could be controlled, but he continued with problems of respirator­y insufficie­ncy. Afterward, there was a general improvemen­t, and the doctors along with President Chavez decided to initiate complement­ary treatments,” Maduro said.

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