Sun.Star Cebu

Price slams politician over slur


Katie Price has hit out against politician Colin Brewer after his previous comments about disabled children, I4U reported.

The independen­t councilor for Wadebridge East told Disability Cornwall worker Theresa Court that children with disabiliti­es “should be put down.”

Now, Brewer, who called for euthanasia in order to save money, is facing pressure to resign after the complaint made by Court in 2011 has just been resolved.

Court, who was on a charity stall when the comment was made, was left “absolutely horrified” and feeling “physically sick.”

Ordered to write an apology, campaigner­s have said that it is not good enough.

Katie wrote on her Twitter page: “(sic) Colin brewer how would you like to dispose of my son Harvey??? Many disabled contribute more to society than mr brewer - ask our paralympia­ns xx. Shameful ignorance of colin brewer clear for all to see and such beliefs were gone with the nazis or should have been!”

Brewer’s letter of apology read: “I am writing to offer my wholeheart­ed apology for the offence these remarks have clearly caused.

“While I meant no offence by my remarks to you I can see, in retrospect, that they were illjudged and insensitiv­e and should not have been made at all.”

Brewer told BBC News he had been trying to provoke a reaction from charity workers in order to start a debate.

 ??  ?? KATIE

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