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Locutions to the World: The two hearts speak to the world


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The Secrets of Heaven

1. Light For the Nations

Mary - JAN. 18, 2014 Everything comes to an end. Evil forces rise up, are poured out and are gone. However, the evil they leave behind in people’s hearts remains. This happens constantly. Every day, the waves pour out and human hearts are darkened, like a child slowly wandering off the path, not sensing its wrong direction. Only the blinding light of my heart can light up this darkness. I speak now to my Church. You do not have within yourself the light that you need to illumine the nations and call all the world to my Son, Jesus. The current evils are too powerful and the present darkness is too overwhelmi­ng. You desperatel­y need me and the light that comes only from my Immaculate Heart. No other solution exists. This is the heavenly Father’s plan. Search where you will. Consult your theologian­s. Try your new programs. Begin new initiative­s. They will all fail in the face of the many oceans of evil that pour out so powerfully. Come into my heart and all will be easy and fruitful. There are so many more secrets to reveal. Comment: The Church tries valiantly. The problems lie not in the Church but in the all-encompassi­ng darkness that penetrates human life.

2. Your Guardian Angel

Mary - JAN. 19, 2014 I will reveal the secrets of heaven, pulling back the veil, so all can see. No one need be in darkness or in ignorance about the glories and the powers of the heavenly kingdom. So often, the powers of darkness overwhelm the world and the forces of evil take center stage. This discourage­s and dishearten­s. People fear and doubt. They lose faith in God and they turn off the path and get lost. I will shine the light of heaven and will say to each soul, “Over here. This is where you will regain the path”. I will do this by revealing heavenly secrets, all the helps which the Father offers to his children. This light will scatter the darkness. I begin with your guardian angel. At the moment of your conception, God chose an angel to guide you. The angel is always at your side, meaning that he uses all of his powers to lead you and protect you. Sometimes, these angels must even act physically, which gives rise to the many angel stories so common nowadays. There is no need to list all that your angel does for you. It is enough to say that when you die, he will accompany you and stand with you before Jesus. His task will be complete. You will be the only human person that he will ever guide. You are very special to your angel. Ask him constantly for his help. He rejoices that you are aware of his presence. Comment: We were taught the Guardian Angel prayer. “Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule and guide. Amen”

3. The Permanent Fire of God

Mary - JAN. 20, 2014 Heaven has already sent God’s Spirit upon the earth, first in fragmentar­y and partial ways and then, in the fullness of the Pentecost fire that came upon all of us in the Upper Room. This sending was definitive. God completed the covenant with mankind that began with Noah and then with Abraham. This fire of the Spirit hovers over the earth, remains always close to mankind and always desires to form human history. This fire lives in my Immaculate Heart and from my heart I send forth its warmth. God comes closer and closer to mankind, always finding new ways and new doors. This Spirit of Jesus will never leave earth and will never be withdrawn. His sending means that, he, too, has left the bosom of the Father to dwell among us. O mankind, I speak of this divine fire so often and in so many varied images! How often I speak of the need for man to open his heart to this fire. The Spirit’s fire dwells in the new Ark which can be found in my heart. Comment: Mary speaks of a permanent fire which God has given and will not withdraw from us.

4. God’s Stunning Decision

Mary - JAN. 21, 2014 God is love and the first truth is that God loves. His love is an eternal, inextingui­shable and inexhausti­ble fire which contains every possible blessing. His love is life itself. From this fire comes all of creation, especially the pinnacles of creation, angels and mankind, meant to live with God forever. To live forever, they must freely enter God’s fire, believing that this fire will not destroy but protect, not harm but bless. God’s fire became flesh in Jesus. Men could actually see and touch this fire. All who chose that fire received life. All who rejected Jesus could not receive this eternal fire. In Jesus, was life. The Father has made a further decision. He has placed Jesus’ fire in my Immaculate Heart. This is a stunning decision which many will say cannot take place. They do not know the power of God or the love of God that leads the heavenly Father to work mysteries beyond the knowledge of man’s limited intellect. There are two hearts, Jesus’ and mine, and we are more closely united than the sun with its rays. Comment: All of Mary’s capacity to help us is based on this stunning decision.

5. God’s Touches

Mary - JAN. 22, 2014 I want to explain God’s touches, the inspiratio­ns of grace, the awakening of the soul. God creates each soul for his glory. He has a plan for every single person. In his plan, the person finds perfect happiness and plays his role in the divine drama of human history. How does a person discover this plan? God touches them. He places holy desires. He whispers. He speaks. Sometimes, he even shouts and His voice is heard above every other voice. Slowly the soul awakens. Like the young boy, Samuel, or the blind man, Bartimaeus, the soul realizes the great truth, “The Lord is calling you”. What a sacred and holy moment. How decisive. The turning point. The moment of opportunit­y. God invites the soul into a friendship with eternal consequenc­es. The whole history of the world hangs in the balance. Every soul’s “yes” to God changes the world. The drama takes place in the secret recesses of the human heart where God touches the soul, inspires it to surrender and awakens it to a glory it had never perceived before. How can the soul respond correctly? This is my secret. At that moment, I am always there. Call on my name and you will not miss out. Comment: Every saint and every work of God begins with God’s inner inspiratio­ns, which Mary calls “God’s touches”.

6. The Secrets of the Saints

Mary - JAN. 23, 2014 Too many hold back, afraid to seek God’s favors. So, I myself bring you into God’s presence. I present you to him as my special child and I plead for your every need. Among heaven’s greatest gifts is the intercessi­on of the saints, all the saints, both known and unknown. They plead every minute for you. They, who now see God, want you to see God. They, who live forever, want you to live forever. How incessant this pleading. How fruitful. It gains so many helps for you. You are not alone. All of heaven accompanie­s you on your journey. When you turn aside, and go off the road, the saints intercede even more. When you are fervent, they rejoice. Enter into this cloud of witnesses. Hide yourself in their company until the day that Jesus comes for you. Blessed are those whom he finds united with his friends. All will enter as one. Do not think of yourself as an individual walking a lonely path to the kingdom. You are in the middle of all the saints who accompany you. Just remain with them. Comment: As Mary reveals the secrets of heaven, we grow more and more encouraged.

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