Sun.Star Cebu



When a new book of a favorite author that one has been waiting for has come around and is out on the market, no one knows the thrill better than the book lover who’s been on the lookout. A book lover’s journey is an emotional ride he takes along with the characters in the pages of the story. And every turn of the page is an exhilarati­ng moment that a book lover simply can’t miss. The following is a quick enumeratio­n of some of the joys and struggles that only book lovers out there understand.

Budget for books

Every relationsh­ip entails sacrifice, and in this kind of relationsh­ip, the sacrifice one needs to make aside from the time spent in reading is the money that needs to be saved for purchasing a new read. There are quick remedies, though, to get the fact or fiction fix—such as finding free e-books from the Internet, borrowing from friends, finding interestin­g books on budget bookstores, waiting for paperback versions that cost less or selling old books to buy new ones. But still, these things demand a bit or a bulk of one’s budget.

That ‘sweet smell’ of a new title

The best smell in the world is the smell of coffee paired with the distinct smell of paper in a new book. It’s an aroma that makes a book lover feel a little bit closer to where the author wrote it back or where the book was born. The smell of the ink right off the printing press just heightens the feeling of euphoria because having a new book means a new adventure is just a few page flips away.

Struggling with sleep

Book lovers know exactly what this means. Every book takes up a lot of time and the problem there is that one just doesn’t want to stop especially when he has purchased a trilogy or a series—the ending of one book is just the beginning for the next one. The next thing he’d realize is that it’s already early the next morning and he still can’t figure out where the Ymbrynes were taken.

Indecision much?

Here’s that feeling when one desperatel­y wants to know the ending of a chapter but does not want the story to end, at least, not just yet. But he’s at the point where he just can’t stop turning the pages because he really wants to know what would happen next.

A book buddy

When one has finished a book and her mother finds her crying in the corner while hugging it, and she tries to explain why but she just can’t summarize how the book made her feel. She just wishes so hard that her mother will understand her. But nope, no one else will truly understand her other than a fellow book lover. A book buddy would be nice to have around.

The strength to move on

Sometimes, stories don’t end well with readers. There are instances when one is done with a title and then he hopes to read another one, but the former had him ripped to pieces— citing whatever reasons there may be. But every true blue book lover knows best to just move on because sooner or later, he will find another book that will get him hooked for another bumpy and crazy ride. Yes, sans the budget and sleep.

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