Sun.Star Cebu

P200M for livelihood plan: Dole 7

Organized poor families in Central Visayas ask to submit project proposals to labor agency


THE Department of Labor and Employment (Dole) 7 has allocated P200 million for its livelihood program aimed at alleviatin­g the living condition of poor families in Central Visayas.

Dole 7 Director Exequiel Sarcauga said the P200 million budget for livelihood is embedded in the General Appropriat­ions Act for the labor department for 2016.

Sarcauga said that his office asked organized poor families in Cebu, Bohol, Siquijor and Negros Oriental to submit livelihood project proposals for assessment and approval.

Sarcauga said that once a project proposal reached Dole 7, it will be re- ferred first to the Project Management Office (PMO) of Dole for evaluation and recommenda­tion.

Funds will then be released if the proposal is found to be viable and feasible.

He said that the livelihood program is intended to achieve inclusive economic growth in the country.

“Since the fund allocation is for 2016, we can release the money for any project that will be found viable and feasible. We want to make sure that we will hit the target in the utilizatio­n of that P200 million budget,” said Sarcauga.

Sarcauga said that Dole 7 has the highest allocation for livelihood project because it is here where members of the vulnerable sector or informal sector are the highest in number.

“If we can alleviate their situation, we can help the government in achieving inclusive growth, which means economic growth that trickles down to the poor families,” said Sarcauga.

Labor standard

Meanwhile, Sarcauga said that Dole 7 has increased its target establishm­ents to be assessed for labor standard compliance from 3,000 in 2015 to 6,662 for 2016.

In 2015, the target was 3,000 but they were able to assess more than 4,000 establishm­ents, hence, the increase in the target for this year.

He said Dole 7 received several requests for issuance of certificat­e of compliance (COC), which is a manifestat­ion that many principal employers are requiring service providers to be accredited with Dole first.

Dole 7 will deploy labor laws compliance officers (LLCOs) to assess the establishm­ents whether they are compliant with the labor standards, occupation­al safety standards, and working condition standard, among others that would merit a COC.

Service providers are allowed under Department Order 18-A provided they will comply with the standards set by the labor law.

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