Sun.Star Cebu

Clinton to hit Trump on his foreign policy


WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton is set to unleash a major foreign policy attack on Donald Trump, using a speech in San Diego to cast the Republican as unqualifie­d and dangerous.

The former secretary of state, who has repeatedly called Trump a "loose cannon," will seek Thursday to contrast her foreign policy experience with Trump's. Foreign policy adviser Jake Sullivan said Clinton would make clear how high the stakes are in the race, as well as share her "larger vision of who we are, what we're all about as a country."

"She is going to make clear why Donald Trump is simply unqualifie­d to be commander in chief," Sullivan said, adding that the speech "will go into specifics in a very direct and clear way about what makes Donald Trump unfit, both in terms of temperamen­t and ideas. This is as fullthroat­ed and full-bodied a case as you will have seen from anyone on the danger that Donald Trump poses."

During an appearance in Newark, New Jersey Wednesday, Clinton as- sailed Trump over his past statements, criticizin­g him for proposing to ban Muslims from entering the country, for advocating the use of torture and for saying other countries should acquire nuclear weapons.

"This is not just divisive rhetoric, my friends, this is dangerous," Clinton said. "What he has already said has given aid and comfort to terrorists."


Trump accused Clinton of lying about his foreign policy plans at a rally at an airport hangar in Sacramento, California, Wednesday night.

"She lies. She made a speech and she's making another one tomorrow. And they sent me a copy of the speech and it was such lies about my foreign policy," Trump said.

"They said I want Japan ... to get nuclear weapons. Give me a break," he objected. "I want Japan and Germany and Saudi Arabia and South Korea and many of the NATO nations — they owe us tremendous. We're taking care of all these people. And what I want them to do is pay up." (AP)

 ?? (AP FOTO) ?? CLINTON. In this May 26 photo, Democratic presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton speaks in San Francisco.
(AP FOTO) CLINTON. In this May 26 photo, Democratic presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton speaks in San Francisco.

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