Sun.Star Cebu

Tips and tricks for colored contacts


Because I have poor eyesight, I have been wearing contact lenses for half of my life. In the last few years, I’ve been trying out colored contacts. They are easier to handle than clear lenses, which are almost invisible on the palm when cleaning, and add something different to your look. You can go as subtle or as striking as you want with colored lenses.

I’ve tried on many different colors, and it’s always fun seeing what eye makeup enhances each color even further. Here are a few combinatio­ns to try:


Because blue lenses are already quite bold (though you choose to go as deep or as bright of a blue as you like) with darker hair that most Filipinas have, I feel like there’s no need to add more color to this look with eyeshadow. Black liquid liner and lots of black mascara on top and bottom lashes, or even a pair of false lashes, will make a beautiful frame for blue eyes.


A dark charcoal gray is perhaps the least scary to try if you are new to colored lenses and are not sure if you can pull it off. Charcoal gray is subtle on dark eyes if you don’t really want it to be obvious that you are wearing colored contacts. They look good on their own during the day, but they look great with a classic smokey eye in the evening.


Be careful not to pick a really bright hue, or you’ll end up looking quite snake-like—unless, of course, that’s what you’re going for! Green makes safe brown eyeshadow look special, especially if the brown leans toward bronze.

Tips for contact lens care: • Never, ever sleep with your contact lenses on. This can seriously harm your eyes.

• Clean lenses very well, with just-washed hands.

• Rinse well after cleaning. Make sure the entire lens is fully submerged in solution when storing. • Once a week or more often if you wish, use a deep cleaning solution.

• Never use water or saliva on contact lenses. • Dispose of contacts at the prescribed time—one day, one month, three months or one year. The risk of infection from wearing expired, dirty contact lenses is just not worth it.

• I have seen some optical shops offering tester contact lenses that they transfer from one customer to another. Don’t try this! It is extremely unhygienic, even if rinsed between users.

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