Sun.Star Cebu

Traffic aide pushing PUJ goes viral


A PHOTO of a traffic enforcer pushing a vehicle stalled on a flooded street in Mandaue City last Friday went viral.

But Francisco Nodado Jr., a member of the traffic enforcemen­t agency of Mandaue City, said he was only doing his job.

“It was only my duty nga kato nga time, mibreak down man gud tong PUJ mismo sa junction sa tunghaan, so ako lang gyod nga gitulod (The jeepney broke down in a junction near a school, so I had to push it),” Nodado said.

Nodalo, 51, was on duty when the rain and flooding started. He didn’t leave his post because his duty was until 10 p.m. He stayed until 11 p.m. when he was sure traffic was already manageable.

The head of the City’s traffic operation, Glenn Antigua, said it was not easy for his team to work 24 hours a day, be it a sunny or a rainy day.

Nodado told Sun.Star Cebu that based on the informatio­n they received, the flood in SM City that time was at waist level, so most of the PUJs decided to pass by his area.

He said they received an order from the command center to extend their time on duty until the traffic would become manageable.

“Mipahawa ko ato nga time nga flowing na ang traffic, automatic na ang traffic light, mga past 11. We were advised man gud sa command nga extend para lang mo- flow ang traffic (I left my post when traffic became manageable),” Nodado said.

He said it is not every day that people appreciate their work, that’s why he was surprised when he found out he went viral on social media.

“I never expected it. I was only doing my job. I was surprised when I was told I went viral,” Nodado said.

Mayor Luigi Quisumbing rewarded the enforcer yesterday during the general assembly of the traffic enforcemen­t office.

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