Sun.Star Cebu

Afghan official: Major attack vs. IS group underway


KABUL, Afghanista­n—Following a massive attack in Kabul, the Afghan military has launched a major offensive against the Islamic State (IS) group in the country’s far eastern region near the border with Pakistan, Afghan and US officials said on Tuesday.

The offensive began over the weekend in Nangarhar province, where IS has had a presence for the past year, said Dawlat Waziri, spokesman for the Defense Ministry.

The offensive, part of the government’s Operation Shafaq — or Dawn in Pahsto— started hours after an IS suicide bomber killed at least 80 people who were taking part in a peaceful demonstrat­ion in Kabul on Saturday.

It was the deadliest attack to hit the Afghan capital since the 2001 US-led invasion.

Airstrikes, ground attacks

President Ashraf Ghani gave the orders for the offensive, which Waziri said will consist of airstrikes and ground attacks, including those by special forces.

Clean-up operations aimed at ensuring that IS loyalists do not return to the area would follow, he added.

The offensive marks a new chapter in Afghanista­n’s war against insurgents.

Until now they have been a largely defensive force, and have struggled to take the lead on the battlefiel­d since the withdrawal in 2014 of most internatio­nal combat forces.

The head of US and Nato forces in Afghanista­n, Gen. John Nicholson, has pledged to transform the Afghan military into an offensive force so they can take the fight to the insurgents, and reclaim battlefiel­d initiative.

While the main fight is against the Taliban — who have been battling to overthrow the Kabul government for 15 years, analysts say. (AP)

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