Sun.Star Cebu

14 children rescued during start of city-wide curfew


FOURTEEN minors were rescued in two barangays in Cebu City following the start of the city-wide enforcemen­t of the curfew ordinance last Monday night.

Acting Vice Mayor Dave Tumulak said that during last Monday’s operation, 21 barangays implemente­d City Ordinance (CO) 1786, or the curfew ordinance of the city.

But 19 of them opted to spread informatio­n before the rescue proper.

“Ang response sa mga ginikanan, mas nalipay sila kay mahadlok na man ang mga bata nga molaag kay naa nay curfew (The parents are happy because their kids are now afraid to go out at night),” Tumulak said.

Eight minors from Barangay Kinasangan and six in Barangay Poblacion Pardo were rescued during the first day of the curfew implementa­tion, said Tumulak.

The operation would serve as the parent’s first offense.

Under the penalty section of CO 1786, rescued minors will be turned over to their parents or guardians, who will be asked to execute an undertakin­g that they will no longer allow their children to wander again at night.


The minors will also be required to execute a separate undertakin­g that says he or she will no longer go out at night when curfew is in effect.

As required under the ordinance, minors are not allowed to loiter outside the house from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m.

For the second offense, the same pro- cedure in the first offense will be done but parents will be required to undergo a half-day parenting course together with their children.

Community service

A seven-day community service will be added as penalty for third offense, while parents who still violate the ordinance after the third offense will be charged for violation of Republic Act 7610, or the Anti-Child Abuse Law.

During the operation, Tumulak said children were mostly seen inside internet shops and convenienc­e stores.

He also asked establishm­ent owners to be responsibl­e by reminding youths not to loiter in their area and to follow the curfew hours. Tumulak asked parents to be responsibl­e for their children and advised them to avoid being caught in the roundup by going home on time.

Tumulak said enforcing the curfew is too risky for the youths since they run when they see law enforcers.

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