Sun.Star Cebu



The Pokemon Go craze has finally reached the beautiful Queen City of the South! But before indulging one’s self with the newest game in town, here are some tips and tricks to watch out for so that one can enjoy the game, no holds barred.

This might sound quite cliché but before playing the game, one must know that this is not simple—Pokemon Go is serious business. Gearing up will help make catching Pokemon less tiring, more fun and enjoyable. Check these tips out:

Running Shoes

Walking is a requiremen­t when playing the game, so running shoes would be the most comfortabl­e footwear to choose. There can be a few applicatio­ns to help one manipulate his GPS and trick the game into thinking that one is traversing mountains and oceans far and wide just to find that rare Pokemon, but doing this will defeat the purpose of the game. It wouldn’t be much fun to just lie in bed and throw Pokeballs to capture wild Pokemon.

Shirt and Jeans

Nothing fancy is needed; just the simple casual combo of shirt and jeans will do. This outfit is highly movable and comfortabl­e and when the weather changes its mood, the shirt is easily adjustable; if it rains, put a jacket on and when it’s hot just take it off.


Bring a bag and it should contain the basics: Wallet, ID and maybe an extra cellphone, just in case one needs to get to places or if one, God forbid, gets into trouble or gets lost— which is highly unlikely anyway. But better safe than sorry.


When one is up and ready to go out and seize the day, there’s one more thing one needs to think about before he starts to play. It’s most important to think about one’s “strategy.” Since this is serious business, think about where to go to find the kind of Pokemon one wants, and how to catch it easily without wasting Pokeballs.

Where to find it?

Legend has it that the type of Pokemon one finds varies depending on the places one finds them. Like water-type Pokemon for instance, are most likely to be found near bodies of water. And if one goes out at night, one has a higher chance of finding nocturnal Pokemon.

How to catch them?

It’s easy if one has mastered the trick. But mastering it takes quite a while so don’t be afraid to practice. One way to increase one’s chances of catching Pokemon successful­ly is to not throw the Pokeball immediatel­y. Rather, press and hold the Pokeball and a circle will appear. The smaller the circle gets, the better one’s chances will be of capturing the creature. Colors are guides too: Green means the task at hand is easy and one shouldn’t have any worry. Yellow would mean moderate, so there’s a slight increase in difficulty, and red would tell one it’s difficult.

Don’t drive and play

There’s one more thing to remember: Don’t be absorbed by the game; remember that the player is the one who’s supposed to capture Pokemon and not the other way around. Driving will get one to where he wants to be faster but it’s also very dangerous to drive and play. So better yet, have someone else drive the car— teamwork is often the solution. With all these things in mind, there is no doubt that one will find the Pokemon he deserves. So, go forth and catch ‘em all!

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