Sun.Star Cebu

SC suspends 3 lawyers


THE Supreme Court (SC) has suspended three lawyers for three years for violating the Code of Profession­al Responsibi­lity.

In an en banc session yesterday, the High Tribunal ruled to suspend lawyers Rose-Beatrix Cruz-Angeles and Wylie Paler for three years for their failure to produce a document being sought by their client.

The case stemmed from their alleged failure to produce a petition for annulment of marriage being sought by their client, Cleo Dongga-as, despite constant follow-ups.

Cruz-Angeles and Paler cited various reasons for their failure to issue the petition, even saying their client has no record of marriage.

Dongga-As then decided to demand a refund, but the two lawyers instead sent him two billing statements amounting to P45,000.

This prompted him to file an administra­tive complaint to the Integrated Bar of the Philippine­s (IBP).

In her defense, Cruz-Angeles said that the delay of the petition was due to the complainan­t’s failure to give the address of his estranged wife and to provide sufficient evidence for the annulment case.

Angeles denied that she neglected her duty and said that it was Paler who is tasked to finalize the petition.

The IBP board of governors sustained the findings of its investigat­ing committee, which found the two lawyers liable administra­tively, and recommende­d a two-year suspension.

The Supreme Court adopted the IBP’s findings but recommende­d a higher penalty of three years suspension from practice of law.

The SC also directed the two to return to Dongga-as the legal fees they received from him amounting to P350,000 within 90 days.

In a separate decision, the High Tribunal has ordered the suspension of lawyer Socrates Rivera also for violating the Code of Profession­al Responsibi­lity.

Adegoke Plumptre, who sought the services of Rivera for his applicatio­n for work permit, filed administra­tive case against the lawyer for his failure to deliver results, despite receiving payment of P28,000.

The IBP committee on bar discipline had recommende­d a two-year suspension but the IBP board of governors recommende­d disbarment.

The SC adopted IBP’s findings but modified the penalty and reduced it to only three years. (Keith Calayag/Sunnex)

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