Sun.Star Cebu

Duterte arrives in Japan

Will he chew gum? Japanese officials wary of President Duterte’s visit


PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte yesterday left the Philippine­s for a three-day official visit to Japan, as he aimed at strengthen­ing the strong relationsh­ip between the two countries.

Duterte said he would go to Japan to personally thank its government “for its pre-eminent and peerless role as the Philippine­s’ developmen­t partner.”

“This official visit will be a valuable opportunit­y to further deepen and broaden the Philippine­s’ relationsh­ip with Japan, our valued strategic partner and one of our true friends. It is a visit that is most-awaited,” Duterte said in his predepartu­re speech delivered at the Ninoy Aquino Internatio­nal Airport’s Terminal 2 in Pasay City.

Japanese officials, meanwhile, are wary ahead of the arrival of the outspoken Philippine President.

It’s not just his foreign policy toward the United States, but also his informal style: Will he chew gum in front of the emperor?

Japanese TV shows have repeatedly shown Duterte apparently chewing gum at meetings and other public occasions.

In footage of a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Duterte walked in with his hands in his pockets and chewed gum during the handshake and a signing ceremony.

“When he makes a courtesy visit to the emperor, his behavior could have a major impact,” senior lawmaker Itsunori Onodera said Sunday on Fuji TV. “I trust he understand­s the consequenc­es and would not do such a thing (as chewing gum). I do hope the Philippine side will remind him of that particular point.” Duterte often doesn’t button the top button of his shirt, wears jeans and has been seen without socks.

For diplomats and political leaders, the main issue is Duterte’s foreign policy toward Washington and how Japan can help mend those ties.

Duterte said he would meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo to discuss key greater politico-social and defense cooperatio­n, particular­ly in maritime domain awareness and maritime security.

He said he would also seek the sus- tainment and enhancemen­t of the two countries’ economic ties since Japan is the Philippine­s’ top trading partner.

The President said he might meet Japanese business leaders to tell them that the Philippine­s is open for business.

“It reaffirms at the highest level the positive transforma­tion of ties between our nations and peoples. It renews our shared commitment to a forward-looking partnershi­p that is founded on mutual respect, dignity and solidarity,” Duterte said.

Another agenda is to open more avenues of cooperatio­n in key infrastruc­ture developmen­t by tapping the experience and expertise of Japan in developing high quality and modern public transporta­tion.

Mindanao, Duterte said, will likely be discussed as he aims for a just and lasting peace and developmen­t in the region.

Duterte said he would also pay a courtesy call on His Majesty, the Emperor Akihito.

Tokyo is a major ally of the United States, and has watched as Duterte increasing­ly attacked the US and said he would scale back America’s military engagement with his country.

And he has worried Japan and the United States by reaching out to China.

Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida acknowledg­ed Duterte’s remarks have triggered concern, and told reporters he planned to ask what his real intentions were during their meeting. He said Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will do the same today.

“I think it would be important that we fully communicat­e through these occasions and directly hear opinions from President Duterte himself,” Kishida said.

Those worries about Duterte were evident yesterday when he lashed out again at the US in a departure speech at the Manila internatio­nal airport, calling Americans “foolish” and “silly” and saying their land was stricken with “pure bigotry and discrimina­tion” after a top American diplomat for Asia, Daniel Russel, criticized his controvers­ial remarks and unclear intentions.

Duterte also made a veiled threat to revoke a 2014 defense pact allowing large numbers of US troops to enter the Philippine­s for combat drills.

“These Americans are really foolish,” said Duterte, adding Americans travel to the Philippine­s “like somebody, without visas, these sillies.”

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 ?? (AP FOTO) ?? PRESIDENT RODRIGO DUTERTE (center) arrives at Haneda internatio­nal airport in Tokyo. Duterte is on a three-day official visit to Japan.
(AP FOTO) PRESIDENT RODRIGO DUTERTE (center) arrives at Haneda internatio­nal airport in Tokyo. Duterte is on a three-day official visit to Japan.

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