Sun.Star Cebu

Extrajudic­ial killings


We express our full support for the government’s serious crusade against the problem of illegal drugs in our country. We admire the leadership that President Rodrigo Duterte has taken in this campaign and the determinat­ion of the people under him in working to rid our society of such menace.

Neverthele­ss, we are alarmed at the continued extrajudic­ial killings, which seem to go unchecked, without trial or investigat­ion.

We are alarmed at the silence of the government, groups, and majority of the people in the face of these killings. Ubi boni tacent malum prosperat. Evil prospers where good men are silent.

As religious and consecrate­d persons, we believe that the wheels of justice should take their course following the proper procedure and operate within the bounds of the law.

We demand that the concerned government agencies continue apprehendi­ng those involved in drug traffickin­g but avoiding extrajudic­ial killings, and pursue and apprehend vigilantes who carry out such illegal actions.

As men and women of consecrate­d life, we commit ourselves to the following:

1. For our communitie­s, parishes, apostolate­s and educationa­l institutio­ns to study, reflect on and act on these unabated killings.

2. To care for the violated, the orphaned and the widowed through counseling, sharing and integratio­n with Gospel values.

3. To stand with people of other faiths and other beliefs in the inviolabil­ity and sacredness of life. In the Year of Mercy, let our humanity and compassion reach those who are the least and the powerless.

4. To recognize that the drug problem is a complex and deeply-emotional issue that needs to be addressed holistical­ly, with great understand­ing and compassion for both victim and perpetrato­r for we are all dehumanize­d by this culture of death.

5. To recognize and support the need for reforms in the criminal justice system and the need for rehabilita­tion for drug dependents. We need to weed out the corrupt in our security forces as well as in the prosecutio­n service as well as the judiciary. The drug menace is an intricate web of corruption and patronage that feeds on the insatiable desire of people for profit.

6. To hold Masses and prayer vigils for peace and justice in the affected communitie­s.

7. For the bells to toll at a designated hour in solidarity with the poor and in upholding the sacredness of life.

Pope Francis has repeatedly urged the leaders of the Church to go to the frontiers: “A Church which ‘goes forth’ is a Church whose doors are open.” Through this pastoral statement, we heed the Pope’s word and move to the peripherie­s.--

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