Sun.Star Cebu

IC still optimistic about insurance for catastroph­es


MANILA--The Insurance Commission (IC) is willing to discuss with the Duterte administra­tion other options to create insurance products that will address the effects of climate change on properties.

This, despite the fact that a draft executive order (EO) for catastroph­e insurance was not signed under the previous administra­tion.

Insurance Commission­er Emmanuel Dooc, in a briefing Tuesday, said the draft EO was “the product of our discussion with the industry”.

The draft EO provides a mandatory insurance coverage against fire, earthquake, and flooding due to typhoons for residentia­l unit owners and small and medium enterprise­s.

Dooc said they have submitted a letter to the current administra­tion to push anew for a mandatory catastroph­e insurance “but I believe they are considerin­g other options”.

“I think we have to pursue it, discuss it with them, with the leadership. We know that the plate is full and that there are many ongoing initiative­s but we hope that this matter should also be addressed,” he said.

“From the pronouncem­ent of our President and the members of his Cabinet, they are definitely in favor of addressing the climate change issue. Maybe we have to revisit it and make a new submission to the leadership. It’s really important, they know it,” he said.

Philippine Insurers and Reinsurers Associatio­n (PIRA) chairman Augusto Hidalgo, during the same briefing, said the discussion­s between insurance companies and the government on this issue is targeted to increase the people’s access to protection products as well as to financial instrument­s.

He said PIRA recently co-sponsored with the United Nations (UN) a framework convention on climate change and one of the speakers was Climate Change Commission­er Emmanuel de Guzman.

De Guzman disclosed his readiness to sustain talks about this topic, Hidalgo said.

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