Sun.Star Cebu

IPC teams up with PIA to keep students ‘off the streets and off to school’


IPC (IP Converge Data Services, Inc.), a pioneer in local cloud and data center services, announced that it is now a partner of the Philippine Internatio­nal Aid (PIA), a US-based charity that has been providing health and educationa­l assistance to underprivi­leged youth.

One of PIA’s core initiative­s is the “Off the Streets-Off to School” scholarshi­p, a program that helps parents and teachers to keep kids in school.

Administer­ed in partner- ship with the Phil-Asia Assistance Foundation, the Off the Streets–Off to School program provides scholarshi­ps annually to more than 1,000 children in Metro Manila.

Together with their partners, PIA helps students go through elementary and college.

The student’s academic progress is monitored throughout the academic year and they are also encouraged to correspond with their respective benefactor­s.

An all-volunteer organizati­on, PIA was establishe­d in 1986 to provide assistance to disadvanta­ged youth in the Philippine­s and the United States (US).

The group’s core programs provide educationa­l assistance to more children in the Philippine­s than any other US-based charity.

In 2013, aid was provided to more than 2,400 students.

Under the program, IPC will fund the school expenses of five students of the Eulogio Rodriguez Integrated School in Man- daluyong City.

The funds provided will take care of tuition, books, supplies, field trip costs, uniforms, shoes, and allowances for meals and transporta­tion.

This is the second time that IPC has teamed up with a charity dedicated to help improve education.

In 2014, they lent their cloud technology services to assist the Teachers for the Philippine­s in documentin­g and tracking the effectivit­y of their teaching programs.

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