Sun.Star Cebu

CPSC holds chess, table tennis elims


AS part of its selection process, the Cebu Province Sports Commission (CPSC) is conducting a chess and table tennis eliminatio­n for its entry to the 2016 Batang Pinoy National Finals on Nov. 27 to Dec. 2 in Tagum City.

The eliminatio­n will be done this Saturday and Sunday at the Robinsons GalleriaCe­bu City.

The chess games will be on the second level, and table tennis at the atrium.

Chess eliminatio­n will be for 13-under, while the table tennis will be for 17-under, with the top finishers to be sent to the Philippine Sports Commission-organized event.

The CPSC will be sending a lean delegation to the events that mostly won them gold medals last year.

“We’re looking for players. Gamay ra amo mapadala kay problema ang schedules, since it (Batang Pinoy) is nearly simultaneo­usly held with the Cebu Provincial Meet. Aside from the eliminatio­n of table tennis and chess this Saturday, those other events were set aside because of time constraint­s. Our priority are events that won medals last year,” CPSC staff Brando Velasquez told Sun.Star Cebu.

This events include karatedo, taekwondo, athletics and boxing and 3x3 girls basketball.

“We really have problems with the schedules because there is a real need to synchroniz­e DepEd’s and PSC’s grassroots sports programs, for fear that it might cause injuries. I hope the new board will take this into considerat­ion,” Velasquez added.

There are 24 events that is competed in the Batang Pinoy National Finals.

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