Sun.Star Cebu


- Nelia G. Neri

In celebratio­n of the birthdays of the senior lifestyle writers, Cebu City Marriott

Hotel (CCMH) tendered an intimate but elegant dinner affair at its Ballroom 3 a few weeks ago. Perfect hosts were CCMH director of sales and marketing Cleofe Albiso who gave us a heartwarmi­ng welcome, marketing and communicat­ions manager

Frances Alfafara and public relations officer

Nico Velasquez. And not to be outdone, executive chef Chachpol Suaisom prepared an excellent four-course dinner that was a feast for the eyes as well.

It was a night of music and magic, from the beautiful dinner setting that had the reddest of roses on golden candelabra­s (by

Blooms and Bubbles) to the background music that were familiar old tunes. It was a night that brought back memories of Broadway favorites and silver-screen classics and had us humming/singing along. Star of the evening was soprano Jessica McYorker who took centerstag­e, accompanie­d on the piano by Aldo Lazaga.

Everything was perfectly planned by the Marriott team. After dinner we were escorted to the "theater stage" to pose beside our individual cakes. And to cap it all, each one of us was presented with a framed portrait. It was an evening we will long remember, a very special evening that Cebu City Marriott Hotel organized and made us all the more appreciate the Marriott brand of service excellence and hospitalit­y! *** A celebratio­n of a life well-lived... that

was how we found the sumptuous birthday lunch that Angelita "Baby"

Dy of Grand Hope Travel hosted at Tin Gow. Guests were mostly friends from the travel industry. Helping in host duties were the rest of the family—loving hubby Nelson and the children— Ann, Lloyd and Angela.

*** Twenty-five years since it opened, Cafe Laguna remains a favorite among Cebuanos and visitors to the city. A brain child of kitchen whiz/devoted wife and mother Julita Urbina, the restaurant started out as a nondescrip­t cafe in Lahug serving home-cooked specialtie­s. It has come a long way since then and has expanded to a group of restaurant­s which include Laguna Garden Cafe, Lemon Grass, Ulli's and Parilya. A celebratio­n was in order for its silver anniversar­y.

*** A cocktail celebratio­n marked the grand launch of The Residences at The Sheraton Cebu Mactan Resort, a partnershi­p between Sheraton and AppleOne Properties Inc. Venue was The Residences Sales Pavilion in Mactan where guests were asked to come in "resort chic." Ribbon-cutting was presided over by Department of Interior and Local Government Sec. Leoncio Evasco Jr., AppleOne top guns Ray and Ve

nus Manigsaca and executive vice president Joy Veloso; Starwood Hotels and Resorts' Alexandra Yao and regional VP Serena Lim; and Tajara Leisure's Cyndy Jarabata.

 ??  ?? GRAND LAUNCH. At the launch of The Residences at The Sheraton Cebu Mactan Resort, the Manigsaca family—Samantha, AppleOne Properties Inc, president Ray; director Venus, and Patrick. Middle photo, Tahara Leisure and Hospitalit­y Group president Cyndy...
GRAND LAUNCH. At the launch of The Residences at The Sheraton Cebu Mactan Resort, the Manigsaca family—Samantha, AppleOne Properties Inc, president Ray; director Venus, and Patrick. Middle photo, Tahara Leisure and Hospitalit­y Group president Cyndy...
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 ??  ?? BIRTHDAY GIRL. Angelita "Baby" Dy with her cake flanked by daughters Ann and Angela. At right is son Lloyd and at the back is husband Nelson.
BIRTHDAY GIRL. Angelita "Baby" Dy with her cake flanked by daughters Ann and Angela. At right is son Lloyd and at the back is husband Nelson.
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 ??  ?? CELEBRATIO­N AT MARRIOTT. The birthday honorees of Cebu City Marriott Hotel, from left, Flor Ynclino of TF, Sun.Star's Nelia Neri, Cookie Newman and Mila Espina, Jaime Picornell of CDN and Sun.Star's Chinggay Utzurrum. Right photo shows the party hosts,...
CELEBRATIO­N AT MARRIOTT. The birthday honorees of Cebu City Marriott Hotel, from left, Flor Ynclino of TF, Sun.Star's Nelia Neri, Cookie Newman and Mila Espina, Jaime Picornell of CDN and Sun.Star's Chinggay Utzurrum. Right photo shows the party hosts,...
 ??  ?? MARRIOTT EXECUTIVE CHEF Chachpol Suaisom. Right photo shows the birthday cakes.
MARRIOTT EXECUTIVE CHEF Chachpol Suaisom. Right photo shows the birthday cakes.
 ??  ?? MUSIC AND MAGIC. Soprano Jessica McYorker and the magical table setting.
MUSIC AND MAGIC. Soprano Jessica McYorker and the magical table setting.

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