Sun.Star Cebu

Profession­al coaches hold training summit


The Philippine Society for Training and Developmen­t Cebu (PSTD Cebu), the premier organizati­on of training profession­als, coaches, educators and learning advocates in the country, will hold its third Internatio­nal Training and Developmen­t Summit.

The summit, with the theme “The Learning Spectrum; Firing Up FutureProo­f Organizati­ons,” will be held on Nov. 22 at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino. PSTD will gather the most engaging, most authoritat­ive, and influentia­l thought leaders in today’s global learning and performanc­e landscape including Asian Institute of Management president and chief executive officer Jikyeong Kang, best-selling author Mike Grogan, Viventis Search Asia executive director Yu Ming Chin and brand strategist Jerome Joseph.

Scott Friedman, an internatio­nally sought-after profession­al speaker and motivation­al humorist, is slated to open the summit. Find Your VOICE as a Leader author Paul N. Larsen will close the summit. For the post-summit conference, PSTD and the Primary Group of Build- ers will be bringing in Dr. Paul Stoltz, the originator of Adversity Quotient or AQ. The conference, which is in partnershi­p with Peak Learning of USA, Viventis of Manila, will be on Dec 2, also at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino.

The events are recommende­d for executives, business leaders, and human resource and learning and developmen­t profession­als.

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