Sun.Star Cebu

China rebuffs Trump threat to take steps to win trade edge


WASHINGTON— China pushed back on Wednesday against President-elect Donald Trump’s threat to use sanctions to win back a competitiv­e trade advantage for the United States.

On the campaign trail, Trump had threatened to slap 45 percent tariffs on Chinese products and to label China a “currency manipulato­r.”

But Zhang Xiangchen, China’s deputy trade representa­tive, warned that Trump will find he is bound by the rules of the World Trade Organizati­on, which restrain countries from imposing sanctions without making a persuasive case for them.

China can challenge any sanctions at the WTO.

Speaking at the end of annual US-China trade talks, Zhang also disputed the idea that China keeps its currency artificial­ly low to give its exporters a price advantage.

Many economists agree that China no longer manipulate­s its currency, the yuan.

At the meeting, the United States and China agreed to continue working on vexing issues such as China’s overpro- duction of steel.

US Trade Rep. Michael Froman stressed the importance of keeping the commercial relationsh­ip with China “on as even a keel as possible.”

But the talks were overshadow­ed by the prospect of a new administra­tion that vows to take a more aggressive stance toward Chinese trade practices, which, Trump has charged, have wiped out US jobs.

He has pointed to the gaping US trade gap with China — $334 billion last year — as a key factor in destroying those jobs. (AP)

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