Sun.Star Cebu



November 29, 2016 (Tuesday) 1st WEEK OF ADVENT 1st Reading: Is 11:1-10

From the stump of Jesse a shoot will come forth; from his roots a branch will grow and bear fruit.

The spirit of the Lord will rest upon him— a spirit of wisdom and understand­ing, a spirit of counsel and power, a spirit of knowledge and fear of Yahweh.

Not by appearance­s will he judge, nor by what is said must he decide, but with justice he will judge the poor and with righteousn­ess decide for the meek.

Like a rod, his word will strike the oppressor, and the breath of his lips slay the wicked.

Justice will be the girdle of his waist, truth the girdle of his loins.

The wolf will dwell with the lamb, the leopard will rest beside the kid, the calf and the lion cub will feed together and a little child will lead them.

Befriendin­g each other, the cow and the bear will see their young ones lie down together. Like cattle, the lion will eat hay. By the cobra’s den the infant will play. The child will put his hand into the viper’s lair. No one will harm or destroy over my holy mountain, for as water fills the sea the earth will be filled with the knowledge of Yahweh.

On that day the “Root of Jesse” will be raised as a signal for the nations. The people will come in search of him, thus making his dwelling place glorious.

On that day Yahweh will again raise his hand to reclaim the remnant of his people from Assyria; from Egypt, Pathros and Ethiopia; from Elam, Shinar, Hamath and from the coast lands of the sea.

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