Sun.Star Cebu

Globe to equip 1,000 teachers with digital literacy skills


As the world goes digital, education has gone beyond books, pen and paper, and even beyond the classroom. Both teachers and students now face the challenge of integratin­g technology in their lessons and making it an effective tool for learning anytime, anywhere.

The changing landscape has prompted Globe Telecom, a strong advocate of education and digital learning, to come out with Prism, a profession­al developmen­t program designed to help Filipino educators from private high schools, particular­ly those teaching the new Media and Informatio­n Literacy subject in Senior High School, to become proficient in technology-enabled instructio­n and content developmen­t.

One thousand private school teachers from all over the country are set to participat­e in a three-week digital literacy program sponsored by Globe, which includes a two-day immersive boot camp, blended project-based learning, and personaliz­ed coaching. There will be one boot camp each in Metro Manila, Naga City, Pampanga, Cebu City, and Cagayan de Oro City, running from January to June this year.

A key component of the blended learning component is the teachers’ access to Brightspac­e Integrated Learning Platform. The teachers will be enrolled online to undergo distance learning for three weeks where they will have access to the global Brightspac­e Community, multimedia resources to guide them through the learning process, and a seamless platform to collaborat­e with learning coaches and teachers in real time. While they may be far apart during this time, the technology is there to ensure that learning and close collaborat­ion continuous­ly happen.

“Students today are digital natives who grew up in the era of computers, mobile phones, and instant connectivi­ty, making it necessary for teachers to be adept in the use of technology in order to guide the students properly in the use of digital informatio­n both inside and outside the classroom,” said Michelle Tapia, advisor and head of Globe’s education strategy and innovation.

She added: “Globe seeks to empower every Filipino with world-class learning through technology. We close the gap by providing teachers the digital knowledge and skills that they need to help students succeed in the 21st century, starting with the digital literacy program.”

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