Sun.Star Cebu



Vatican officials are brushing off a spoof Vatican newspaper mock-up poking fun at Pope Francis that points to increasing conservati­ve criticism of his mercy-over-morals priorities.

The fake L’Osservator­e Romano front page has been making the rounds at the same time that hundreds of very real anti-pope posters appeared on Roman billboards this past weekend.

The main headline — “He responded!” — refers to Francis’ refusal to respond to four cardinals who publicly asked him to clarify his position on whether divorced and civilly remarried Catholics can receive Communion. The issue has become the focal point of conservati­ve unease with Francis’ papacy.

The editor-in-chief of the real L’Osservator­e Romano, Giovanni Maria Vian, thanked whoever was responsibl­e for the free publicity.

“We were only sad because the layout wasn’t as nice as ours,” Vian told The Associated Press on Friday. In between laughs, he added that it clearly wasn’t a profession­al job given “the Latin isn’t the Latin of the Curia.”

The tongue-in-cheek content was similar to a sarcastic YouTube video that takes aim at Francis on the divorce-remarriage issue. Both were humorous whereas the anonymous posters that appeared on Roman billboards Saturday morning struck a more serious tone: They asked Francis “Where is your mercy?” and referred to some heavy-handed initiative­s that he’s taken against conservati­ves or traditiona­l Catholics.

The posters featuring a sourfaced pope — many of which are still up a week later — cited Francis’ recent “decapitati­on” of the Knights of Malta religious order, as well as the cardinals he had “ignored” in refusing to clarify the divorce-remarriage question.

 ?? AP FOTO ?? ANTI-POPE. People walk by some of the hundreds of anti-pope posters appeared on Roman billboards this past weekend.
AP FOTO ANTI-POPE. People walk by some of the hundreds of anti-pope posters appeared on Roman billboards this past weekend.

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