Sun.Star Cebu

Breakup by phone


More than half of Filipinos who ended a relationsh­ip did so by mobile phone - through text, a call, or an instant message. Of the more than 500 people surveyed by a Filipino online selling and shopping resource, 58 percent admitted to using mobile phones to end relationsh­ips. Almost 30 percent used text messages, 22 percent called, and 7 percent used instant messenger. The use of emojis or emotion icons like smileys was not measured.

To get back together, 75 percent agree that giving gifts helps in the reconcilia­tion process, said the survey conducted by, a popular online store where Filipinos can select from a range of items. “I’m sorry” gifts, it said, did not have to be expensive.

The online survey did not appear to have been conducted scientific­ally. It was not as detailed as those done by the Social Weather Stations or the Pulse Asia Research Inc. The Lazada press statement was silent on any margin of error.

But the survey result was revealing of the kinds of relationsh­ips in this digital, connected world.

Lazada said it held the online survey on “Heartbreak­s and Healing” to investigat­e how technology has affected how people get together, fight, break up, and move on. It found out that online profiling or checking online data on another person has become “standard practice” for those who want to develop relationsh­ips. It said 54 percent of respondent­s check a potential date’s social media profile before going out on one. “Online research and dating are now so intertwine­d that even if they like someone in person, 60 percent of people have said that they lost interest after doing more research on social media,” the Lazada statement said.

Not everybody broke up by mobile phone. There were those who did it the decent way in person (34.8 percent) and those who split up through handwritte­n letter (6.3 percent).

After a breakup, 52 percent or more than half report stalking their ex-boyfriend’s or ex-girlfriend’s social media page. One out of three respondent­s ended up getting back together with their loved one.

How to get back together? They give peace offerings or “I’m sorry” gifts, Lazada said, but it also pointed out the practice of sharing passwords. “Trust is one important factor. Almost 65 percent of respondent­s say they share their email, phone and app passwords with their significan­t other,” it said. There were others, 35.5 percent, who would rather keep their passwords to themselves.

Their Valentine’s Day wish for the ex: “I wish him or her well” (40.2 percent), “I wish they get what they deserve” (33.9 percent), and “I don’t think about them at all” (25.9 percent).

What the respondent­s didn’t say was that, if they split up again, they could always change their passwords or create new accounts.

With the common use of mobile phones, splitting up is one undertakin­g that can be done through a text or call. Still, the decent way to break up is face to face and not through the cowardly approach of behind a mobile phone.

The result showed the kinds of relationsh­ips in this digital world

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