Sun.Star Cebu


- CLARETIAN COMMUNICAT­IONS FOUNDATION INC. / Website: www.claretianp­ublication­

1st week of Lent Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 / 1st Reading: Lev 19:1-2, 11-18 / Gospel: Mt 25:31-46 Reflection:

In today’s reading, we hear Yahweh reveal to Moses the fundamenta­l Law: “Be holy, for I, Yahweh, your God am holy.” What is holiness? How does one become holy?

Holiness is following the way of Christ. And the way of Christ is the way of the Cross! Under the sign of the Cross we pray, bless, and are sanctified. It is in the sign of the Cross that we become holy. The Cross has two dimensions, namely, the vertical and the horizontal. The vertical dimension tells us to raise our eyes to God in heaven in prayer. The horizontal dimension tells us to reach out to our brothers and sisters in charity, in the corporal works of mercy. This reminds me of two beautiful literary pieces. In Trees, Joyce Kilmer wrote: “I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray.” Holiness is stretching our arms in prayer. The other literary piece is The

Giving Tree by Shel Silverstei­n. It is the story of an apple tree that gives itself to a man from boyhood to adulthood. The “giving tree” gave its entire life to the boy. Holiness is giving until it hurts, giving until nothing remains!

Yes, holiness is about the Cross! Holiness is becoming like Jesus who prayed with outstretch­ed arms and giving all! Holiness comes in the form of The Tree of Life, the Cross!

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