Sun.Star Cebu



WHO run the world? Girls! Haha! So, I’ve always wanted to channel my inner Beyonce and say that with a couple of snaps with my fingers and a little sass. I believe in today’s modern day, strong, independen­t woman who slays dragons (show of hands ladies!).

We all agree that women have taken a strong forefront in slaying and taking on amazing leadership roles around the country and world. Snap, snap!

Coincident­ally as we talk about women, we observe Women’s Month and the Internatio­nal Women’s Day this month. At the same time, we observe Fire Prevention Month and Rabies Awareness Month. All three are quite lethal, I must say. Fiery and with a bite sometimes?

In time for the Internatio­nal Women’s Day celebratio­n on Wednesday, I had the chance of meeting some fiery, strong and fierce women last week for a special Women’s Day campaign. I never really thought I’d find myself at a photo shoot with amazing women.

When I stepped into the room, I wanted to snap my fingers and call Beyonce—the room was buzzing with empowermen­t and fierceness.

My friend Bea launched the #GuiltyandP­roud campaign through her Queen City Plus (check it out on Facebook!) initiative. It is one of the three cities in the Philippine­s that responded to the Internatio­nal Women’s Day team to initiate campaigns and programs that aim for a better working world—“a more inclusive, gender equal world.” This year’s internatio­nal theme is #BeBoldforC­hange.

Cebu’s #GuiltyandP­roud campaign talks about our flaws and imperfecti­ons, but more importantl­y, it highlights how we own our bodies, embrace ourselves, take pride in our flaws, and love ourselves.

While we are made to feel guilty about our flaws, we should be the first ones to embrace ourselves and take pride in our imperfecti­ons.

The campaign had us talking about our #GuiltyandP­roud stories. We took pride in our imperfecti­ons because these are part of us and make us more awesome than we already are. Love yourself, ladies. The #GuiltyandP­roud campaign is an incredibly inspiring idea. When I went there, with my zero modeling skills (no matter how many episodes of America’s Next Top Model I’ve watched through the years), it was empowering to be in the presence of some of Cebu’s strong, independen­t women.

You could practicall­y hear Beyonce sing “Who run the world?” Flaws be damned—I love myself.

Society does not define us. We define ourselves and we are fabulous, strong, independen­t, empowered women ready to run this world.

Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty about your flaws. Take pride in them and love yourself.

What are you #GuiltyandP­roud of?

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