Sun.Star Cebu


- singlestal­ PALMARES • MOISES

Michelle: Indifferen­ce is the opposite of love, not hatred. My hubby’s cousin, whose girlfriend of 10 years left him last year, said that at one point in time, he hated her so much for what she did to him that he felt he could no longer ever love again. Now, he says he doesn’t hate her anymore but feels indifferen­t towards her. He is also happy to say that he is moving on. But in a committed relationsh­ip, indifferen­ce, and not hatred, is worrisome. Where there is indifferen­ce, there is no passion. There is no sense of purpose. When we become indifferen­t to the passions and purpose of our lives, or become indifferen­t in our relationsh­ips, it breeds a sort of quiet desperatio­n. When couples and partners become indifferen­t to each other, relationsh­ips very quickly become a place of misery. DJ: Nowadays, things have gotten much, much noisier. There’s hardly any room to be still. Indifferen­ce can be good or bad. For things we have control of, we can take the active role to keep things going. But for things or relationsh­ips we have little or even no control of, indifferen­ce can be an indicator of acceptance and readiness to genuinely move on. For example, it takes two to sustain a dating relationsh­ip. If one has already given up even if the other is still begging for another chance, why even exhaust energy to make it work? It’s good to learn to be still. And try to move out, move on. M: Indifferen­ce can be either good or bad, depending on how you see it or where you are at this point in time. In a relationsh­ip though, when we meet this indifferen­ce in a person, especially in one who we deeply care about, it is like trying to walk through an emotional quicksand. Being lukewarm in relationsh­ips allows desperatio­n to creep into our lives. And desperatio­n inevitably brings misery. DJ: At times instead of pushing back, we have to accept what we can’t take in the first place. While we can’t afford to miss on things, we can’t also have it all. The world becomes less complicate­d if we have the wisdom to know when to make a change or when to be still and accept the things we cannot change. As you would always say, pain is inevitable, misery is optional and to paraphrase, love or hatred is inevitable, but indifferen­ce is optional. The choice is ours. Including the choice not to be indifferen­t.

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