Sun.Star Cebu


- JENARA REGIS NEWMAN / Writer ARNI ACLAO / Photograph­er

Pasos (steps) is the term used in local Lenten procession to mean the steps of Jesus Christ in his suffering and death. Louie Nacorda, curator and owner of the Pasos statues used in the Lenten Exhibit at the Archdioces­an Museum of Cebu, said the procession takes place in the city on Holy Tuesday, in other parishes on Holy Wednesday, and in Bantayan on Holy Thursday. The Passion scenes are placed along the four walls of the Msgr. Virgilio R. Yap Memorial Chapel. The exhibit is chronologi­cally arranged to make it easy to follow the “steps” of the Passion of Christ. Nacorda said he began collecting the statues in 1980. The exhibit is ongoing until April 30.

Paso in Spanish means step and pasos (steps) is the term used in local Lenten procession­s to mean the steps of Christ in his suffering and death. This procession takes place in the city on Holy Tuesday, in other parishes on Holy Wednesday, and in Bantayan on Holy Thursday, explained Louie Nacorda, curator and owner of the Pasos statues used in the Lenten Exhibit of the Archdioces­an Museum of Cebu. The Passion scenes are beautifull­y placed along the four walls of the museum’s Msgr. Virgilio R. Yap Memorial Chapel.

The exhibit begins to the left as one enters the door with the Paso de la Despedida, which is the farewell scene, followed by the Paso de la Humenta, which depicts Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem— commemorat­ed during Palm Sunday. The next paso is Christ praying in the garden of Gethsemane before the Jews arrested him. Then there’s the very graphic scourging at the pillar, after which is the crowning of thorns followed by the Paso de la Sentencia when Christ was condemned to death. The next scene is the meeting of Jesus and His Mother Mary. Then Jesus falls under the cross and is then nailed to the cross. The next scene is Christ crucified, with His Mother Mary and the beloved apostle John standing beneath the cross. Then there’s the Paso de la Magdalena, with the grieving figures of Mary

Magdalene, St. Mary Jacob and St. Salome. Finally, there’s the Paso de la Sepulcra, Christ lying dead in the sepulcher. The last

paso is that of Mater Dolorosa, the grieving Mother Mary, which is the only antique statue in the exhibit.

The exhibit is chronologi­cally arranged along the walls of the museum hall, making it easy to follow the “steps” of The Passion of Christ. And each paso is beautifull­y set with some having other figures beside Christ. Contemplat­ing each one of them throws us back to that fateful day when Christ-God died for us on the Cross.

Nacorda said he has had these statues for several years as he began collecting them in 1980. But they have never been exhibited. It is ongoing until April 30 so he invites the reader to go see it: look, feel and contemplat­e on the infinite love God-Christ has for us, a love so boundless that He died for His people.

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