Sun.Star Cebu

Overly cautious?


Gisela Bendong-Boniel was Bien Unido mayor when she was killed allegedly by her husband, Provincial Board (PB) Member Niño Rey Boniel. They were therefore high profile personalit­ies in Bohol, making the slaying a major crime that should have attracted the total attention of the said province’s political leadership. But days after Gisela was slain, Bohol leaders have been noticeable in their silence.

A witness, Riolito Boniel, has testified that after the mayor was killed, her body was thrown into the seas off Caubian in Lapu-Lapu City. This has triggered a search and retrieval operation that is still ongoing. But it was only lately that the leadership of Bohol and of Bien Unido have signified their intention to help in the effort to recover Gisela’s body.

Cebu, specifical­ly Lapu-Lapu City, is only involved in the investigat­ion of the case and in the effort to retrieve Gisela’s body because the body was allegedly thrown in the sea that is part of its territory. But the bigger role in solving the case and in prosecutin­g the people behind the killing should have been played by Bohol authoritie­s. How much of that role are they actually playing?

We still have to hear Gov. Edgar Chatto speak on the matter the way he was outspoken during the Abu Sayyaf Group’s intrusion into his province. Perhaps, he is just overly cautious because the suspect is a fellow politician. In Bien Unido, meanwhile, Niño Rey was the town’s former mayor and therefore holds a certain level of influence in the political activities there. That could also be the reason for the overly cautious reaction to the slaying of the officials there.

But being cautious is one thing, helping the family of a slain government official get justice is another. Bohol and Bien Unido officials must therefore show the eagerness to help in getting to the bottom of the slaying and in the search and retrieval operation to recover the mayor’s body. It would be unfair to hold back just because one of those charged is a PB member.

The quest for justice in the slaying of Gisela should transcend other considerat­ions, including politics.

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