Sun.Star Cebu

Analysts doubt ICBM re-entry capability


North Korea after decades of effort has a missile potentiall­y capable of reaching the continenta­l United States, but analysts say Pyongyang has yet to show the ICBM can inflict serious damage once it gets there.

U.S. and South Korean experts on Tuesday said Japanese video footage capturing the Hwasong14’s re-entry vehicle shortly before it crashed into the sea suggests it failed to survive the extreme heat and pressure after re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere following its launch from northern North Korea on Friday.

But the apparent failure likely means the North will conduct more flight tests of the Hwasong-14 missile to ensure the warhead could survive the re-entry from space and hit its intended target, the analysts said.

The Hwasong-14 ICBM, which was first tested on July 4, follows decades of effort by North Korea to obtain a nuclear deterrent against the United States. Analysis of the flight data from Hwasong-14’s second test has suggested that more of the U.S. mainland, including Los Angeles and Chicago, is now in range of Pyongyang’s weapons.

However, whether North Korea can arm the missile with a nuclear warhead and protect it throughout the flight are different questions entirely.

After analyzing video from a rooftop camera operated by Japan’s NHK television on the northern island of Hokkaido, U.S. missile expert Michael Elle- man concluded that Hwasong-14’s re-entry vehicle “disintegra­ted” before it landed at sea.

In an article posted at the 38 North website, Elleman said the video showed the re-entry vehicle shedding small radiant objects at an altitude of 4 to 5 kilometers.

He said the re-entry vehicle dims and quickly disappears at an altitude of 3 to 4 kilometers before it passes behind a mountain range and is obscured from the camera’s view. Had the re-entry vehicle sur- vived, it would have continued to glow until disappeari­ng behind the mountains, Elleman said.

“In short, a reasonable conclusion based on the video evidence is that the Hwasong-14’s re-entry vehicle did not survive during its second test,” said Elleman, an expert with the Internatio­nal Institute for Strategic Studies. “If this assessment accurately reflects reality, North Korea’s engineers have yet to master re-entry technologi­es and more work remains before Kim Jong Un has an ICBM capable of striking the American mainland.”

Granted, it’s impossible to know how the warhead would have performed if North Korea had launched the missile for real. Both ICBMs were test-launched at highly lofted angles to reduce the range and avoid neighborin­g countries, and the near-vertical flight paths meant the re-entry vehicles endured harsher conditions during their descents.

 ?? AP FOTO ?? ANOTHER TEST. A man in Tokyo walks in front of a public TV screen broadcasti­ng news of North Korea’s test-firing of its second interconti­nental ballistic missile.
AP FOTO ANOTHER TEST. A man in Tokyo walks in front of a public TV screen broadcasti­ng news of North Korea’s test-firing of its second interconti­nental ballistic missile.

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