Sun.Star Cebu

People and rabies

- ZOSIMO T. LITERATUS zim_breakthrou­

Antarctica may be the most humanly uninhabita­ble continent in the world. However, it has one great advantage over all of us in the peopled continents: It has no rabies infection problem, or, at least, not a prevalent one.

Ninety-nine percent of deaths due to rabies came from cases of dog bites. Asia and Africa comprised more than 95 percent of all deaths around the world due to rabies infection. The Philippine­s, however, has an advantage against the rabies affliction.

In September 2014, the Department of Agricultur­e (DA) with the Australian Government and the World Organizati­on for Animal Health (Woah) launched a nationwide program for vaccinatio­n of dogs to reduce rabies cases due to dog bites in Philippine­s. The country is still a place for tolerated stray dogs. In our subdivisio­n, the local DA veterinari­ans visited us annually for consistent free dog vaccinatio­n.

Take note, however, that bats and cats can carry the rabies virus as well. In the Americas, rabies infection through bat bites predominat­es rabies cases from dog bites. So far though, there has been no report of these cases in the country. A case of rabid cat bite can be an interestin­g front page story.

While dog vaccinatio­n for free is great news, the same cannot be said with human postexposu­re prophylaxi­s (PEP) vaccinatio­n. The cost of a PEP vaccine is prohibitiv­e, considerin­g that a four-dose vaccinatio­n is a standard recommenda­tion. Recent developmen­t can even make these vaccines more expensive.

The story goes that older culture media used in cultivatin­g rabies virus used in the PEP formulatio­n had been found, at times, contaminat­ed with human materials and bovine spongiform encephalop­athy (BSE) materials. BSE causes what we now know from news reports as the Mad Cow disease (MCD). It is transmissi­ble and fatal for cows. The human form of MCD is believed to be due to consuming beef, particular­ly parts such as the brain and spinal cord, if the beef, that is, came from an infected cow.

Well, whether we turn out crazy also after eating beef with MCD, we cannot answer that right now.

Neverthele­ss, culture media producers now are working on creating novel culture media that are contaminat­ion-free. It is good news if possible (mostly it is) but bad news if the cost is prohibitiv­e to peso-earning Pinoys.

That’s for us to wait and see in the future.

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