Sun.Star Cebu

Saying goodbye to Fiesta Señor ‘18

- JUSTIN K. VESTIL / Reporter @JKVSunStar

As this year’s Fiesta Señor ended yesterday, devotees were urged to shed their worldlines­s and become true followers of the Sto. Niño by showing good deeds to others.

This was the message of Fr. Pacifico “Jun” Nohara Jr., rector and prior of the Basilica del Sto. Niño, during the traditiona­l Hubo Mass. The Hubo, the traditiona­l changing of vestments of the image of the Sto. Niño, marks the end of the Fiesta Señor.

In his homily, Fr. Nohara reminded devotees that their devotion to the Sto. Niño shouldn’t end after the fiesta.

“The Hubo is not merely a ceremony of divesting the image of his Fiesta vestments. Rather, it also reminds us to strip ourselves of the robes of sin, especially pride, self- centeredne­ss, hatred, corruption and indifferen­ce,” he said.

After his homily, Nohara removed the vestments of the Sto. Niño image in front of devotees at the Basilica Pilgrim Center.

After giving the image a ritual bath, the image was then fitted with simpler clothing.

Traveling Sto. Niño

As each clothing was removed from the image, Nohara sang “Christe exaudi nos” (Christ graciously hear us) as a reminder of the Passion and death of Jesus Christ.

When the ritual was done, dancers of the Sandiego Dance Troupe performed.

In a separate interview, Nohara said that even though this year’s Fiesta Señor is over, many parishes within and outside Cebu have been requesting the Augustinia­n Fathers to be visited by the pilgrim image.

Two days before the Hubo Mass, Nohara led a delegation that brought the Sto. Niño image to Iloilo City, which is celebratin­g its Dinagyang Festival.

When they returned to Cebu last Thursday, Nohara and his delegation brought the pilgrim image to Sitio Upper Laguna, Barangay Greenhills in San Fernando.

Last night, Nohara and his delegation left Cebu to bring the pilgrim image to Ozamis City for its annual fiesta tomorrow.

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