Sun.Star Cebu

The truth sometimes hurts


“Bigas Ng Masa” is a remedial measure on the apparent lack of NFA (National Food Authority) rice in the market. Is it possible that there could be a supply manipulati­on? Or could it be a case involving the law of economics? Some quarters in government claim that because of the high demand of the staple during the recently concluded Christmas celebratio­n, demand was high hence affecting the supply and the cost of NFA and commercial rice. In juxtaposit­ion with supply manipulati­on is price administra­tion. What is the government doing to control the price hike of the most important staple?

Manipulati­on comes in all forms. Well, tinkering with the photo is not a novelty since this has been done with the traditiona­l way of developing film. I remember my passport picture way back in 1989 when I was amazed and could not believe it was I in the picture. With the new technology, we face digital manipulati­on.

According to Merriam-Webster, the word manipulati­on means to control or play upon by artful, unfair and insidious means especially to one’s own advantage. The Senate has just completed its hearing on fake news. Informatio­n could also be manipulate­d and when this happens, lies are passed on as truth. In effect, it becomes a case of disinforma­tion or misinforma­tion. Manipulati­on per se is bad enough; it is even worse when the intention is to deceive.

Cyberspace has long been abused by people who want to advance certain agenda using social media. Senate hearings were conducted in this regard but nothing much has been resolved. The initial consensus is to police its own ranks and to be more responsibl­e on what informatio­n gets disseminat­ed. When working for the government, there is a thin line between being an informatio­n officer and being a propagandi­st. The citizenry should be educated as to be able to discern informatio­n from propaganda.

With propaganda, one may be tempted to avoid a very damaging fact and sometimes in a defensive strategy, an individual may drift from what is true and concoct some lies. The bigger problem in this equation is that how many of our fellow citizens are able to readily determine a deception? Media practition­ers and journalist­s are tasked to search for the truth. However, when the truth hurts someone or the government, somebody calls “foul” and causes some confusion in the process.

The question is: “Who benefits from the confusion as a result of two opposing views, both claiming truthfulne­ss?”

 ?? NOEMI FETALVERO noemifetal­ ??

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