Sun.Star Cebu

Osmeña denies morphine allegation­s


Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña has described the allegation that he is using morphine, an addictive pain reliever, as fake news.

“That’s fake news. Do I look like I’m on morphine? Do you see me floating on my desk? Do you see me walking into a telephone post?” he told reporters yesterday.

According to a health website MedicineNe­, morphine is a powerful narcotic agent that has strong analgesic (pain relief ) action and other significan­t effects on the central nervous system.

The health website further said that morphine is dangerousl­y addicting.

In a Facebook post, opposition Councilor Jocelyn Pesquera accused Osmeña of reportedly using morphine after the latter called their group a team of drug addicts.

“Before you, Tommy Osmeña, make accusation­s and calling our group Team Suyop, please check your own backyard. Release the results of your drug test. There are many reports that you are allegedly using morphine as painkiller,” Pesquera wrote in her post.

Osmeña said he is willing to bet on it just to prove that the allegation­s against him are not true.

Meanwhile, Osmeña congratula­ted his predecesso­r former mayor Michael Rama after Rama was able to talk to President Rodrigo Duterte to clarify the drug allegation against him.

“Congratula­tions to Mike Rama. I hope he runs for mayor. No problem, Cebuanos need more candidates,” he said.

Last Friday, Rama was talked to the president after a year of several attempts to sit down with Duterte after he was named as among those former politician­s who protects drug lords in 2016.

Since the announceme­nt was made, Rama has denied the accusation­s against him. /

 ?? / SUNSTAR FILE ?? DENIED. Mayor Tomas Osmeña on being called a morphine user: “Do I look like I’m on morphine? Do you see me floating on my desk? Do you see me walking into a telephone post?”
/ SUNSTAR FILE DENIED. Mayor Tomas Osmeña on being called a morphine user: “Do I look like I’m on morphine? Do you see me floating on my desk? Do you see me walking into a telephone post?”

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