Sun.Star Cebu

39 relieved cops undergo moral, spiritual retraining


After they were relieved of their duties, the 39 police officers formerly assigned in the Parian Police Station in Cebu City is undergoing a moral recovery program prior to the start of their 15-day retraining.

Cebu City Police Office (CCPO) Director Joel Doria said that the program will be implemente­d until the officers’ formal retraining in the Regional Training Center will start.

“The relief is part of the Philippine National Police’s procedure where we need to conduct a retraining but that doesn’t necessaril­y mean that they are involved in the incident,” Doria said.

The Police Regional Office 7 relieved the officers in Parian Police Station after their colleague, PO3 Ritchie Saquilabon, was caught allegedly asking for a P20,000 bribe from a drug suspect last Monday.

Pastor Philip Bartolaba of the Evangelica­l Churches of the Philippine­s led the values formation and developmen­t seminar initiated by CCPO yesterday.

“This will serve as a lesson to our personnel to also caution their fellow police officers,” Doria said.

Doria said the moral recovery program will not only be limited to the relieved cops but to all personnel of the CCPO.

The police chief’s pronouncem­ent came after Mayor Tomas Osmeña threatened­d to suspend the police’s monthly allowance from the City Government if there is widespread extortion in precincts. /

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D FOTO ?? VALUES FORMATION. Relieved cops attend the second day of the PNP’s moral recovery program at the chapel of the Cebu City Police Office.
CONTRIBUTE­D FOTO VALUES FORMATION. Relieved cops attend the second day of the PNP’s moral recovery program at the chapel of the Cebu City Police Office.

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