Sun.Star Cebu


City also studying the plea of some members of the Muslim community to exempt them from wearing helmets, saying that they are only allowed to wear turbans.


The Lapu-Lapu City Government announced that the traffic enforcers and traffic police in the city will start apprehendi­ng on April 1 motorcycle drivers and riders who wear face covers.

Mayor Paz Radaza decided to strictly implement the helmet and bonnet ordinance, which was passed on May 25, 2009 yet, after several crimes were committed by men riding in tandem.

“For the safety sa atong publiko dala na sa nagmotor, I think it is about time nga i-implementa­r nato (strictly),” she said.

The mayor said members of the City Traffic Management System (CTMS) and the Lapu-Lapu City Police Office-Traffic Enforcemen­t Unit (TEU) already started informing the motorists about the implementa­tion of the ordinance.

CTMS chief Mario Napule said one can only wear balaclava, which is commonly known as bonnet, or a surgical mask if he or she can show a medical certificat­e about their health condition.

As to the wearing of prescribed helmet, Napule said they might consider the plea of some Muslims to be exempted from it because it is their religious belief that they must only wear a turban, a cloth that is wrapped around a cap.

Napule said some members of the Muslim community in the city visited his office in the past days.

TEU chief Jimmy Fortes also said that they will seek an opinion from the Land Transporta­tion Office officials about the matter, considerin­g that wearing a helmet for safety reasons is covered by a national law. /

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