Sun.Star Cebu

.FREE VERSE Joy not a person


Man hangs self after partner loses P500 in gambling. Gambling is like a robber; it demands, “Your money or your life?”

Tour guide, van driver caught in Badian drug bust. They took a detour from their jobs.

House passes bill to allow divorce.

If you think divorce is an easy way out of marriage, think again: there is the high cost of leaving.

Four Cebu lawmakers voted “no” to divorce bill. Pro-divorce lawmakers will have a lot of explaining to do when they get home.

Rediscover joy in work, archbishop tells priests. Joy is not a person but a feeling.

Regional Developmen­t Council asks for Singapore’s intelligen­t transport system study for Cebu.

If only bureaucrat­ic red tape isn’t as bad as the traffic.

Bill seeks to enhance access to education for children with special needs.

Before bill was drafted, was a special study made?

Duterte amenable to anti-political dynasty moves. Anyway, the president has receding heir line.

FDA warns public vs. five unregister­ed food, supplement­s.

Authoritie­s should prescribe a higher dose of penalty for manufactur­ers.

UP Cebu installs new Oblation.

They still have no budget to clothe the statue.

Rediscover joy in work, archbishop tells priests

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