Sun.Star Cebu


An assessment and inventory of structures conducted in Mactan Island in Cebu, Panglao Island in Bohol and Dauis town in Negros Oriental found 93 resorts in violation of the Water Code of the Philippine­s, which sets an easement along coastlines

- JKV / With KOC

More than 90 resorts in Central Visayas, including six situated in Mactan Island in Cebu, have violated a law that prevents the establishm­ent of structure without easement along coastlines, said an official of the Department of Environmen­t and Natural Resources (DENR) 7.

In a press conference Tuesday, Nestor Canda of DENR 7’s Provincial Environmen­t and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) said around 93 resorts in the region were found to have violated Presidenti­al Decree 1067, known as the Water Code of the Philippine­s.

Canda, who is PENRO’s Task Force Foreshore Area Management regional coordinato­r, said their findings were based on an assessment and inventory of structures they conducted in Mactan Island in Cebu, Panglao Island in Bohol and Dauis town in Negros Oriental.

Under Article 51 of PD 1067, banks of rivers and streams and the shores of the seas and lakes throughout their entire length and “within a zone of three meters in urban area, 20 meters in agricultur­al areas and 40 meters in forest areas, along their margins, are subject to the easement of public use in the interest of recreation, navigation, flotage, fish- ing and salvage. No person shall be allowed to stay in this zone longer than what is necessary for recreation, navigation, flotage, fishing or salvage or to build structures of any kind.” Canda said that soon, they will turn their sights on resorts and establishm­ents situated in Cebu’s coastline.

Sought for comment, LapuLapu City Tourism Officer Hembler Mendoza said tourism authoritie­s in Mactan Island have been undergoing intensive inspection and monitoring of tourism establishm­ents since the President threatened to close Boracay.

As for recent developmen­ts though, Mendoza said his office has yet to receive an official report from PENRO.

Following the Boracay issue, the Office of the Lapu-Lapu City Mayor formed a team to conduct an evaluation on tourism establishm­ents to determine whether they are environmen­tally compliant or not.

The team is composed of local officials in tourism, health, and DENR’s Cenro that goes around the island to inspect properties.

“Lapu-Lapu City Mayor Paz Radaza has issued a directive to access establishm­ents and conduct inspection­s,” said Mendoza. “We have been going around, inspecting and monitoring these properties.”

According to Mendoza they found a number of properties not totally complying with laws. “Their violations were manageable though, so they were given the chance to implement corrective measures,” he said.

Hotels, Resorts and Restaurant Associatio­n of Cebu president Carlo Suarez, on the other hand, called on all tourism establishm­ents in Cebu to comply with government regulation­s.

“HRRAC’s role is to remind all properties and assist those who are affected to follow the guidliness implemente­d by DENR,” he said.

PB member Thadeo Jovito “Jonkie” Ouano passed a resolution urging the DENR’s Regional Foreshore Area Task Force to coordinate with local government units in the implementa­tion of the Clean Water Act and the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act, especially in beaches and tourist-based establishm­ents in Cebu Province.

“The protection of coastal areas is of paramount importance not only to the region’s tourism, but as well as the promotion of the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology,” Ouano added./

 ?? SUNSTAR FILE ?? VIEW FROM THE TOP. Since President Duterte threatened to close Boracay Island for its environmen­tal problems, resorts and other establishm­ents along the coastlines have been monitored for possible violations.
SUNSTAR FILE VIEW FROM THE TOP. Since President Duterte threatened to close Boracay Island for its environmen­tal problems, resorts and other establishm­ents along the coastlines have been monitored for possible violations.

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