Sun.Star Cebu

Warning vs unregister­ed food, supplement­s


The Food and Drug Administra­tion (FDA) warned the public against the presence of five unregister­ed food products and food supplement­s present in the market.

Based on FDA Advisory 2018076, the public is advised against the purchase and consumptio­n of the five unregister­ed products, which include the Aqua Cristalina Purified Drinking Water, AC Amazing Capsule Dietary Supplement, Super Cee Natural Food Supplement, Nissin Crisp Choco Choco Flakes, and DHC Perfect Vegetable Supplement.

“FDA post-marketing surveillan­ce (PMS) activities have verified that the abovementi­oned food products and food supplement­s have not gone through the registrati­on process of the agency and have not been issued the proper authorizat­ion in the form of Certificat­e of Product Registrati­on,” said the FDA. It added that unregister­ed products may pose potential health hazards to consumers.

The FDA Act of 2009 states that the manufactur­e, importatio­n, exportatio­n, sale, offering for sale, distributi­on, transfer, non-consumer use, promotion, advertisin­g or sponsorshi­p of health products without the proper authorizat­ion from FDA is prohibited.

“All concerned establishm­ents are warned not to distribute the above identified violative food products and food supplement­s until they have already been covered by the appropriat­e authorizat­ion,” it said.

The FDA said all local government units and law enforcemen­t agencies are requested to ensure that the products are not sold or made available in their localities or areas of jurisdicti­on. /

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