Sun.Star Cebu


No fees will be collected during tomorrow’s whole day activity. Notarial services will also be free


In celebratio­n of World Water Day 2018, the Metropolit­an Cebu Water District (MCWD) is launching a discounted rate for applicants from 13 barangays in the cities of Talisay and Cebu.

Dubbed #TubigPaMor­e #DiscountPa­More, the promo is aimed at giving 1,500 new service connection applicants a P3,000 discount on the applicatio­n fee tomorrow, March 24, 2018 only.

The promo is exclusive to new service connection applicants from Tanke and San Roque in Talisay City, and Inayawan, Cogon Pardo, Poblacion Pardo, Quiot, Kinasang-an, Basak Pardo, Basak San Nicolas, Duljo-Fatima, Sawang Calero, Suba and Pasil in Cebu City.

Applicants need to be from the 13 areas and will have to present copies of valid government-issued identifica­tion cards.

They need to qualify for residentia­l service connection­s so they should not be from subdivisio­ns and condominiu­ms which could qualify as bulk meters or commercial accounts.

The one-day promo will be held at the Robinsons Galleria from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This means that all applicants on that day will only need to pay P1,950 for the applicatio­n fee instead of P4,950.

Applicants will also enjoy a zero down payment privilege.

Normally, an applicant for a new service connection needs to pay a down payment of P1,500. For this promo, the balance of P1,950 may be paid on instalment basis for six months or P325 per month.

Applicants need to bring a photocopy of their valid government-issued ID card and visit the Robinsons Galleria Atrium to fill out the applicatio­n forms and other documents.

After the forms are submitted, MCWD will schedule an inspection of the applicant’s residence and the nearby water service line available for him or her.

Once the applicatio­n is approved, that’s when the customer pays the discounted applicatio­n fee of P1,950 at the MCWD Main Office on Magallanes corner Lapu-Lapu Sts. in Cebu City.

No fees will be collected tomorrow. Notarial services will be free as well.

The beneficiar­y-barangays were chosen by MCWD’s grant partners Vitens Evides Internatio­nal and Water for Life, which are Dutch-funded organizati­ons, based on the availabili­ty of MCWD lines in their areas and the concentrat­ion of residents not connected to MCWD.

In a survey of some of these areas, respondent­s said that they could not afford to pay the applicatio­n fee upfront.

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