Sun.Star Cebu

SEDC receives Gawad Tugas for responsibl­e mining


The Department of Environmen­t and Natural Resources (DENR) in Central Visayas has awarded Solid Earth Developmen­t Corp. (SEDC) the Gawad Tugas for responsibl­e mining.

The government granted SEDC the award “in recognitio­n of having displayed and demonstrat­ed innovation, ingenuity and investment in environmen­t protection, conservati­on and management.”

DENR 7 Acting Director Emma E. Melana wrote SEDC chief technical adviser Hiroyiko Sakakibara to inform him about the decision of the DENR awards committee.

SEDC president Atty. Dennis B. Tenefranci­a received the award from Melana during the DENR 73rd Gawad Tugas awarding ceremony at the Marcelo B. Fernan Press Center in Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City.

With 14 other awardees for clean air and water and biodiversi­ty conservati­on, among others, the activity highlighte­d the celebratio­n

The theme for this year’s celebratop­m of the Philippine Environmen­t Month is “Connecting People to Nature.”

of the 2017 Philippine Environmen­t Month that carried the theme, “Connecting People to Nature.”

In his message during the program, Tenefranci­a said that the award “embodies the hardwork, discipline, commitment for excellence, perseveran­ce and sacrifices we put in to fulfill our longterm commitment­s.”

SEDC human resources and administra­tion division manager Mitzie Almira I. Carin and community

relations officer Gines T. Boltron joined their president in receiving the award.

DENR 7 Assistant Director Trinidad B. Etulle, Mines and Geoscience­s Bureau (MGB 7) Director Loreto B. Alburo, and Environmen­tal Management Bureau (EMB 7) Director William P. Cunado also joined in handing the award.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D FOTO ?? AWARDING. SEDC president Dennis Tenefranci­a (second from left) receives the Gawad Tugas Award for Responsibl­e Mining with HRA division manager Mitzie Almira Carin and community relations officer Gines Boltron. They are flanked by DENR 7 OIC Director...
CONTRIBUTE­D FOTO AWARDING. SEDC president Dennis Tenefranci­a (second from left) receives the Gawad Tugas Award for Responsibl­e Mining with HRA division manager Mitzie Almira Carin and community relations officer Gines Boltron. They are flanked by DENR 7 OIC Director...

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