Sun.Star Cebu

Why, or why not, watch the Azkals?

- As someone who’s thrown his support behind the team ever since it was nicknamed the Azkals, I am compelled to join fellow fans watch our team play for flag and country, on home soil NOEL S. VILLAFLOR nsvillaflo­

Ihave yet to make up my mind whether I should watch the crucial game this Tuesday, March 27, between our very own Azkals and dangerous Tajikistan at the Rizal Memorial Stadium. So I listed a number of reasons I shouldn’t: 1. The AFC Asian Cup qualifying match would be shown live on the Liga channels on Skycable anyway, so it makes more sense to enjoy it in the comforts of one’s room.

2. The Azkals are used to playing in near-empty stadiums in Manila, and Rizal on Tuesday probably wouldn’t be any different.

3. Besides, the Azkals only need a draw, so one less fan won’t make a difference in their game.

4. If the Azkals fail in their Asian Cup bid, it wouldn’t be as painful to watch from a distance than actually being in the stadium.

5. Since the match actually falls on Holy Week and actual work ends on Thursday, so schedules would be ridiculous­ly hectic.

6. There are loads of errands to chase.

7. I’m in Cebu. A thousand kilometers away from the venue, and booking a flight to and fro just to watch the game would cost me an arm and a leg.

8. I really don’t like flying.

9. Plus, traffic in Manila is hellish, so it would be a pain in the ass being there.

10. It’s just a football game, so why bother.

So there, that’s at least 10 reasons telling me to stay put in Cebu and not waste time and resources in Manila. But then, to leave no stone unturned, I tried to make a list of reasons I should watch the Azkals try to eke out at least a draw so they can advance to the 2019 AFC Asian Cup, the first time, if fate permits, they’d be joining a tournament of that magnitude. Truth is, I can only come up with one reason, and here it is: 1. The game against Tajikistan is the most important match in the history of the Philippine Men’s National Team, and as someone who’s thrown his support behind the team ever since it was nicknamed the Azkals, I am compelled by an unrelentin­g irrational force to join fellow football fans watch our team play for flag and country, on home soil.

That’s about it. Otherwise, I find no other compelling argument why I should be there during match day. Pretty lopsided, huh? One reason for and 10 reasons against. And reason tells me the right thing to do. So, yes, fuck that shit. I’m booking a flight to Manila to watch the Azkals beat the crap out of Tajikistan.


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