Sun.Star Cebu

Religious questions

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The first time I realized that the Bible is important was when I was in high school. People went around distributi­ng bibles. The one I received had the size of a small prayer book, much smaller than a pocket book. I just put it on a shelf to gather dust because I was lazy at reading anything not related to my studies.

In 1979, I became serious at studying the Bible. When my friends gather and talk about God and religion, we always ask, “Why are there many religious groups and which of them carry the true religion?”

“I think that in order to achieve world peace, God should come down even once to introduce and endorse the group that he wants all people to support,” I would say then.

But in 1998, or 19 years after continuous­ly reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, I was able to write and self-publish a book titled, “True Religion” based on James 1:27. I thought I would become rich and famous after receiving 1,000 copies of the book. I was wrong. I only sold 100 copies of it.

By 2016, I decided to give the copies for free to anyone who became curious about true religion. Beginning that year, I stopped chasing money and started chasing passion. I had no more desire to become materially rich because I already considered myself rich in spiritual wisdom.

Now I have religious questions for all the Christian religions of various denominati­ons: Why did you not include this verse as part of discussion­s in your sermons, prayer meetings and various studies? Why did you not give importance to this verse? How would you explain these questions to your members who may have the same questions? Is your religion inside this definition or not? Why did you disregard this verse?--Chito E. Germino, Mandaue City

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