Sun.Star Cebu

Twitter suspended 58M accounts in 4Q


Twitter suspended at least 58 million user accounts in the final three months of 2017, according to data obtained by The Associated Press.

The figure highlights the company’s newly aggressive stance against malicious or suspicious accounts in the wake of Russian disinforma­tion efforts during the 2016 US presidenti­al campaign.

Last week, Twitter confirmed a Washington Post report that it had suspended 70 million accounts in May and June. The cavalcade of suspension­s has raised questions as to whether the crackdown could affect Twitter’s user growth and whether the company should have warned investors earlier. The company has been struggling with user growth compared to rivals like Instagram and Facebook.

The number of suspended accounts originated with Twitter’s “firehose,” a data stream it makes available to academics, companies and others willing to pay for it.

The new figure sheds light on Twitter’s attempt to improve “informatio­n quality” on its service, its term for countering fake accounts, bots, disinforma­tion and other malicious occurrence­s. Such activity was rampant on Twitter and other social-media networks during the 2016 campaign, much of it originatin­g with the Internet Research Agency, a since-shuttered Russian “troll farm” implicated in election-disruption efforts by the US special counsel and congressio­nal investigat­ions.

Suspension­s surged over the fourth quarter. Twitter suspended roughly 15 million accounts last October. That number jumped by two-thirds to more than 25 million in December.

Twitter declined to comment on the data. But its executives have said that efforts to clean up the platform are a priority, while acknowledg­ing that its crackdown has affected and may continue to affect user numbers.

Twitter said in April it had 336 million monthly active users, which it defines as accounts that have logged in at least once during the previous 30 days. The suspended accounts do not appear to have made a large dent in this number, which was up three percent from a year earlier. Twitter maintains that most of the suspended accounts had been dormant for at least a month, and thus weren’t included in its active user numbers.

Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal said in February that some of the company’s “informatio­n quality efforts” that include removing accounts could affect monthly user figures. Segal offered no specifics. /

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