Sun.Star Cebu

Osmeña ‘far from being a visionary’

- RONA T. FERNANDEZ / Reporter @rjtfernand­ez

“We don’t need projects that create an impact, just the right ones that would address the immediate needs of our people.”

So said Cebu City opposition Councilor Joel Garganera, who reiterated that Mayor Tomas Osmeña is sitting on the approval of the developmen­t permits of a consortium of big commercial developers in the South Road Properties (SRP).

In a privilege speech during the Aug. 14 City Council regular session, Garganera said that the consortium would open 100,000 jobs, 20 times more than the P18-billion Kawit Island project in the SRP can offer.

“Mind you, it has just been undeniably put on hold for more than two years just because our beloved mayor declared that the sale was illegal. I was not aware that our mayor, aside from being the chief executive of the city, is also a judge,” Garganera said.

The City Government awarded the lot to the consortium of Ayala Land Inc., SM Prime Holdings Inc. and Filinvest Land Inc. on July 21, 2015. The deal was closed for P16.76 billion. Of the 45.2-hectare lot subjected for bidding, 26 hectares were bought by the consortium of Ayala and SM, while 19.2 hectares were bought by Filinvest Land Inc. (FLI).

Last May 2016, before assuming office, Osmeña called the transactio­n “questionab­le” and announced that he would revoke the sale of the property.

In February 2017, FLI rescinded its purchase, saying the local government failed to fulfill its obligation­s under the sale contract.

Osmeña posed no objection, with a plan to return the P4.5 billion paid by the real estate firm.

But for Garganera, this shows that the mayor is not a “visionary” leader.

“The UHRI (Universal Hotels and Resorts Inc.) agreement with the City of Cebu has become one of the most controvers­ial topics discussed in our city today. We’ve expressed our objection on the

said project not because we don’t want the city to progress, but because such project is disadvanta­geous to the city. It can’t provide immediate and sustainabl­e source of economic growth not only in the long run but also in the short term,” he said.

“As compared to the UHRI venture, the SM Ayala consortium could have accomplish­ed around 100,000 jobs as compared to the 5,000 of UHRI, considerin­g that it involves the constructi­on of a sports arena, concert center as well as a business hub for call center companies. If you compare it to the proposal of UHRI to build a casino, this business venture is on a steadier pace,” he added.

The opposition councilor also slammed Osmeña for reportedly writing a series of posts online against the opposition on what transpired during their deliberati­on of the P18-billion Kawit project last Aug. 7.

“If one can’t take criticisms for what they are and resort to childish posts on social media, making a legitimate public concern a laughing matter, subjecting public officials to ridicule in the course of their duty in upholding what they believe is right and lawful then, I refuse to call the person a visionary,” he added.

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