Sun.Star Cebu

Dishonor, insult

- ORLANDO P. CARVAJAL carvycarva­

If he loves his country as he claims, which is why he dares like no other to wage war against drugs and corruption, how can President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (PRRD) entertain the thought of retiring if the successor is Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the son of the most corrupt President and First Lady the country ever had.

PRRD has let us on a political debt he owes the Marcoses. But the latter authored the worst plunder of any government in recent history and owe the Filipino people a bigger debt. Giving them another chance at plunder makes us a most stupid people, a laughing stock of the world. What I’m saying is that people should not allow PRRD to dump our future on the laps of a Marcos.

I agreed with PRRD earlier when he opined that a revolution­ary government might be the only way to liberate this country from greedy and self-serving politician­s. But putting the Marcoses back in power? That is clearly counter revolution­ary. This time around, therefore, I refuse to even read the President’s lips. He must not do this to us. It’s just too damn risky.

It seems, however, that PRRD has also stunned the opposition into awkward silence. They don’t seem to know how to react to this bombshell from the President. They can’t use it against him because, in the final analysis, they are to blame for the political resurgence of the Marcos family.

The late Ninoy’s wife and son had a total of twelve years of power to bring the Marcoses to justice. How could they have failed? How could it happen that they did not even try to revise the law requiring dead Presidents to be buried in the Libingan ng mga Bayani? Yet, they joined in the chorus of protest against the late dictator’s burial in said cemetery that the Supreme had no choice but to confirm as a legal and constituti­onal way to put the issue to rest.

To me this is the bigger mystery, why two Aquino presidents could not obtain closure at least to Ninoy’s murder. The only answer is to posit that their vast presidenti­al powers were no match to the power of whoever was pulling puppet strings from behind the throne.

This is the same reason I agree with PRRD that VP Leni Robredo cannot cut it in Malacanang. She would be no match to whoever will be pulling the strings that PRRD seems to now grow tired and weary of resisting. Thus, she will be incompeten­t not so much by choice as by force.

Still, I’d as soon take my chances with Ms. Robredo than with Mr. Marcos Jr. who is sure to erect monuments to a father he egregiousl­y claims was the best president the country ever had. That is just too much of a dishonor and insult to those who were jailed, tortured, made to disappear and murdered for getting in the way of the dictator’s plunder.

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