Sun.Star Cebu

Food for thought: What to do with leftovers?

- NOEMI FETALVERO noemifetal­

How we treat our fellow citizens reflects how we value them. Senate Bill 357 (Zero Food Waste Act), sponsored by Sen. Bam Aquino, aims to redirect surplus food to feed millions of Filipinos who do not know where to get their next meal.

Proponents of the bill intend to involve food manufactur­ers, buffet restaurant­s and other food outlets willing to donate surplus food to ease the hunger situation in our country. But how is this different from “pagpag”? What is our guarantee that the donated food comes from the pot and not from the customer’s plate?

Provisions to the proposed bill include establishi­ng what they call a food bank where all donated food will be delivered. To facilitate the distributi­on, the Department of Social Welfare and Developmen­t will be involved and tasked to coordinate with the LGUs. Perishable food is difficult to manage. Who will manage the food banks? Who are the target recipients of this program as this could be abused?

I see a glitch with the proposed measure since there exists a “spoilage ethic” adapted by restaurant­s that compel owners of eateries to trash unsold food. We are aware that not all eateries observe this ethical standard. It’s the practice of some establishm­ents to reheat or recycle unsold food. Should the government be serious about this bill, they should involve the Department of Health (DOH) in the discussion and in the implementa­tion so as to avoid health issues or being sued later.

Why not widen the scope of our “Feed the Hungry” program that has been widely accepted by our hungry fellow citizens? In this setting, we all know that they are served freshly cooked food and not leftovers. What percentage of the P3.7 trillion 2019 budget goes to social services? We must not forget, nation building encompasse­s the overall developmen­t of citizens of this country.

The DOH and the World Health Organizati­on have statistics to back up claims of malnutriti­on in our country but little is done to address the problem.

“Ningas-kugon” is also a problem to contend with. We are attentive as we jump start a program but we do not sustain and maintain it.

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