Sun.Star Cebu



6th Week in Ordinary Time Ps 50:1 & 8, 16bc-17, 20-21 1st Reading: Genesis 4:1-15, 25 Gospel: Mark 8:11-13 According to Genesis, no sooner were there two brothers, than one killed the other. Along with this primordial sin comes the impulse to evade responsibi­lity. God asks Cain, “Where is your brother, Abel?” And Cain, conscious of his guilt replies, “I don’t know; am I my brother’s keeper?” Perhaps the seeds of his crime lay in that innocent-sounding question. Yes, we are our brother’s and sister’s keeper. The blood of so many victims cry to God from the ground— victims not necessaril­y by our conscious intent, but by our indifferen­ce, our failure even to recognize that they are our brothers and sisters.

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