Sun.Star Cebu

My governor


In fact, it is precisely because I’ve worked with her that I know the Province will be in good hands if she wins on Monday, May 13

I’ve refrained from maligning the political opponents of candidates I believe in during this election period. Sometimes, though, it’s just too hard not to say anything, especially when they’re asking for it. But when I do criticize, I always stick to the facts. Okay, so I try.

Mind you, I have yet to dedicate one whole column trying to come up with something negative against Vice Gov. Agnes Magpale, who is running against my bet, Third District Rep. Gwen Garcia, in the gubernator­ial race.

But why would I when I can just talk about Garcia’s achievemen­ts during her three terms as governor of the province, not to mention what she has accomplish­ed in the third district.

Yeah, I know, I served her as a consultant for almost two years during her second term as governor, but it doesn’t change the fact that I believe and know that she’s the best person to lead Cebu.

In fact, it is precisely because I’ve worked with her that I know the Province will be in good hands if she wins on Monday, May 13.

For one thing, her work ethic is legendary. I’ve never known anyone who is as hardworkin­g as she is. So she has a tendency to micromanag­e, sometimes, but what more can you expect from someone who demands so much from others because she demands 110 percent from herself. Does that make sense?

Anyway, I decided last week I would reserve this column to talk about Garcia, not just as a politician, but as a person whom I admire and respect.

Then, lo and behold, news came out last Friday, May 10, that the Court of Appeals (CA) had reversed and set aside the ombudsman decision finding Garcia guilty of grave misconduct for a case over the Balili property in the City of Naga.

Yes, detractors and critics, five associate justices—okay, so two dissented—signed the decision that found merit in Garcia’s petition for review of the Dec. 19, 2017 decision that found her guilty of grave misconduct and the ombudsman order last July dismissing her from service.

Are you with me, so far?

They said, “The ombudsman violated Garcia’s right to a speedy dispositio­n of her case; that Garcia is liable for simple misconduct and not grave misconduct; and that the condonatio­n doctrine should be applied.”

To those who still don’t know, her successor, incumbent governor Hilario Davide III, a member of the Liberal Party, filed the complaint for grave misconduct and gross neglect of duty against Garcia and 10 other Capitol officials in December 2012 over her “unilateral decision” to start filling the mangrove and submerged portions of the Balili property without the approval of the Provincial Board.

Wait a minute. Didn’t Davide also come up with a “unilateral decision” to start constructi­on of a provincial resource center that costs around P1.3 billion?

Nah, I’m not going to get started on him. As they say, what goes around comes around. He’ll be facing the music one of these days. Although I’m pretty sure someone else put him up to it. Filing the case against Garcia, that is. But that’s beside the point.

So where was I? Oh yes, if you want more details about the junking of the ombudsman decision, please read the article written by SunStar Cebu’s Michelle So. All the details are there.

Meanwhile, why do I like Garcia? Well, let me count the ways….

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